Assignment 2#

Question 1#

%pip install pytensor pymc
Requirement already satisfied: pytensor in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (2.14.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pymc in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (5.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=48.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (67.7.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.14 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (1.11.4)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (1.25.2)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (3.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: etuples in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (0.3.9)
Requirement already satisfied: logical-unification in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: miniKanren in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (1.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: cons in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pytensor) (4.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: arviz>=0.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pymc) (0.15.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cachetools>=4.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pymc) (5.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpickle in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pymc) (2.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fastprogress>=0.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pymc) (1.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.24.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pymc) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (3.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (23.2)
Requirement already satisfied: xarray>=0.21.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (2023.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: h5netcdf>=1.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: xarray-einstats>=0.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.24.0->pymc) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.24.0->pymc) (2023.4)
Requirement already satisfied: toolz in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from logical-unification->pytensor) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: multipledispatch in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from logical-unification->pytensor) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: h5py in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from h5netcdf>=1.0.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (4.49.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (1.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (9.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib>=3.2->arviz>=0.13.0->pymc) (3.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas>=0.24.0->pymc) (1.16.0)
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
cancer1 = load_breast_cancer()
print("Predictors: ", cancer1.feature_names)
Predictors:  ['mean radius' 'mean texture' 'mean perimeter' 'mean area'
 'mean smoothness' 'mean compactness' 'mean concavity'
 'mean concave points' 'mean symmetry' 'mean fractal dimension'
 'radius error' 'texture error' 'perimeter error' 'area error'
 'smoothness error' 'compactness error' 'concavity error'
 'concave points error' 'symmetry error' 'fractal dimension error'
 'worst radius' 'worst texture' 'worst perimeter' 'worst area'
 'worst smoothness' 'worst compactness' 'worst concavity'
 'worst concave points' 'worst symmetry' 'worst fractal dimension']
import pandas as pd

cancer = pd.DataFrame(, columns=cancer1.feature_names)
cancer.columns = cancer.columns.str.replace(' ','_')

(569, 30)
mean_radius mean_texture mean_perimeter mean_area mean_smoothness mean_compactness mean_concavity mean_concave_points mean_symmetry mean_fractal_dimension ... worst_radius worst_texture worst_perimeter worst_area worst_smoothness worst_compactness worst_concavity worst_concave_points worst_symmetry worst_fractal_dimension
0 17.99 10.38 122.80 1001.0 0.11840 0.27760 0.30010 0.14710 0.2419 0.07871 ... 25.380 17.33 184.60 2019.0 0.16220 0.66560 0.7119 0.2654 0.4601 0.11890
1 20.57 17.77 132.90 1326.0 0.08474 0.07864 0.08690 0.07017 0.1812 0.05667 ... 24.990 23.41 158.80 1956.0 0.12380 0.18660 0.2416 0.1860 0.2750 0.08902
2 19.69 21.25 130.00 1203.0 0.10960 0.15990 0.19740 0.12790 0.2069 0.05999 ... 23.570 25.53 152.50 1709.0 0.14440 0.42450 0.4504 0.2430 0.3613 0.08758
3 11.42 20.38 77.58 386.1 0.14250 0.28390 0.24140 0.10520 0.2597 0.09744 ... 14.910 26.50 98.87 567.7 0.20980 0.86630 0.6869 0.2575 0.6638 0.17300
4 20.29 14.34 135.10 1297.0 0.10030 0.13280 0.19800 0.10430 0.1809 0.05883 ... 22.540 16.67 152.20 1575.0 0.13740 0.20500 0.4000 0.1625 0.2364 0.07678
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
564 21.56 22.39 142.00 1479.0 0.11100 0.11590 0.24390 0.13890 0.1726 0.05623 ... 25.450 26.40 166.10 2027.0 0.14100 0.21130 0.4107 0.2216 0.2060 0.07115
565 20.13 28.25 131.20 1261.0 0.09780 0.10340 0.14400 0.09791 0.1752 0.05533 ... 23.690 38.25 155.00 1731.0 0.11660 0.19220 0.3215 0.1628 0.2572 0.06637
566 16.60 28.08 108.30 858.1 0.08455 0.10230 0.09251 0.05302 0.1590 0.05648 ... 18.980 34.12 126.70 1124.0 0.11390 0.30940 0.3403 0.1418 0.2218 0.07820
567 20.60 29.33 140.10 1265.0 0.11780 0.27700 0.35140 0.15200 0.2397 0.07016 ... 25.740 39.42 184.60 1821.0 0.16500 0.86810 0.9387 0.2650 0.4087 0.12400
568 7.76 24.54 47.92 181.0 0.05263 0.04362 0.00000 0.00000 0.1587 0.05884 ... 9.456 30.37 59.16 268.6 0.08996 0.06444 0.0000 0.0000 0.2871 0.07039

569 rows × 30 columns

# Add a column for the response variable: malignant or benign
cancer['Target'] =
mean_radius mean_texture mean_perimeter mean_area mean_smoothness mean_compactness mean_concavity mean_concave_points mean_symmetry mean_fractal_dimension ... worst_texture worst_perimeter worst_area worst_smoothness worst_compactness worst_concavity worst_concave_points worst_symmetry worst_fractal_dimension Target
0 17.99 10.38 122.80 1001.0 0.11840 0.27760 0.30010 0.14710 0.2419 0.07871 ... 17.33 184.60 2019.0 0.16220 0.66560 0.7119 0.2654 0.4601 0.11890 0
1 20.57 17.77 132.90 1326.0 0.08474 0.07864 0.08690 0.07017 0.1812 0.05667 ... 23.41 158.80 1956.0 0.12380 0.18660 0.2416 0.1860 0.2750 0.08902 0
2 19.69 21.25 130.00 1203.0 0.10960 0.15990 0.19740 0.12790 0.2069 0.05999 ... 25.53 152.50 1709.0 0.14440 0.42450 0.4504 0.2430 0.3613 0.08758 0
3 11.42 20.38 77.58 386.1 0.14250 0.28390 0.24140 0.10520 0.2597 0.09744 ... 26.50 98.87 567.7 0.20980 0.86630 0.6869 0.2575 0.6638 0.17300 0
4 20.29 14.34 135.10 1297.0 0.10030 0.13280 0.19800 0.10430 0.1809 0.05883 ... 16.67 152.20 1575.0 0.13740 0.20500 0.4000 0.1625 0.2364 0.07678 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
564 21.56 22.39 142.00 1479.0 0.11100 0.11590 0.24390 0.13890 0.1726 0.05623 ... 26.40 166.10 2027.0 0.14100 0.21130 0.4107 0.2216 0.2060 0.07115 0
565 20.13 28.25 131.20 1261.0 0.09780 0.10340 0.14400 0.09791 0.1752 0.05533 ... 38.25 155.00 1731.0 0.11660 0.19220 0.3215 0.1628 0.2572 0.06637 0
566 16.60 28.08 108.30 858.1 0.08455 0.10230 0.09251 0.05302 0.1590 0.05648 ... 34.12 126.70 1124.0 0.11390 0.30940 0.3403 0.1418 0.2218 0.07820 0
567 20.60 29.33 140.10 1265.0 0.11780 0.27700 0.35140 0.15200 0.2397 0.07016 ... 39.42 184.60 1821.0 0.16500 0.86810 0.9387 0.2650 0.4087 0.12400 0
568 7.76 24.54 47.92 181.0 0.05263 0.04362 0.00000 0.00000 0.1587 0.05884 ... 30.37 59.16 268.6 0.08996 0.06444 0.0000 0.0000 0.2871 0.07039 1

569 rows × 31 columns

(569, 31)

Next, we will split up our predictor and response data into training datasets and testing datasets. Recall, we will use the training dataset to train our logistic regression models and then use the testing dataset to test the accuracy of model predictions. There is a nice function from sklearn.model_selection called train_test_split that splits a given dataset into 75% training and 25% testing data. Stetting random_state=123 allows you to generate the same random train and test subsets used in this article. It’s not strictly necessary to split data into training and testing sets when performing logistic regression. In fact if you have limited data it’s not wise to do. However, we do it in this article to demonstrate how each method leads to the same results. For the logistic regression examples, we will model malignant or benign as a function of the first 10 predictors (columns) in our dataset. These first 10 correspond to mean measurements of each tumor; mean radius, mean texture, mean perimeter, mean area, etc. (We selected these 10 columns purely for convenience to limit output. The goal of this article is to present different ways of performing logistic regression in Python, not how to select variables.)

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Select the first 10 columns of our DataFrame that we will use as the predictors in our models
x = cancer.iloc[:,:10]

# Select the response column
y = cancer.Target

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Split these data into training and testing datasets
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x,y, random_state=123)
# Create a new DataFrame by concatenating x and y
new_dataset = pd.concat([x, y], axis=1)

mean_radius mean_texture mean_perimeter mean_area mean_smoothness mean_compactness mean_concavity mean_concave_points mean_symmetry mean_fractal_dimension Target
0 17.99 10.38 122.80 1001.0 0.11840 0.27760 0.30010 0.14710 0.2419 0.07871 0
1 20.57 17.77 132.90 1326.0 0.08474 0.07864 0.08690 0.07017 0.1812 0.05667 0
2 19.69 21.25 130.00 1203.0 0.10960 0.15990 0.19740 0.12790 0.2069 0.05999 0
3 11.42 20.38 77.58 386.1 0.14250 0.28390 0.24140 0.10520 0.2597 0.09744 0
4 20.29 14.34 135.10 1297.0 0.10030 0.13280 0.19800 0.10430 0.1809 0.05883 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
564 21.56 22.39 142.00 1479.0 0.11100 0.11590 0.24390 0.13890 0.1726 0.05623 0
565 20.13 28.25 131.20 1261.0 0.09780 0.10340 0.14400 0.09791 0.1752 0.05533 0
566 16.60 28.08 108.30 858.1 0.08455 0.10230 0.09251 0.05302 0.1590 0.05648 0
567 20.60 29.33 140.10 1265.0 0.11780 0.27700 0.35140 0.15200 0.2397 0.07016 0
568 7.76 24.54 47.92 181.0 0.05263 0.04362 0.00000 0.00000 0.1587 0.05884 1

569 rows × 11 columns

#using stripplot function from seaborn
import seaborn as sns

sns.pairplot(new_dataset, hue='Target', diag_kind='kde', height=1.5)
import numpy as np
xv_train = x_train.values
xv_test = x_test.values
shape_xv = np.shape(xv_train)
yv_train = y_train.values
yv_test = y_test.values
(426, 10)
(143, 10)

Building the model#

import pymc as pm
with pm.Model() as model_1:

    α = pm.Normal('α', mu=0, sigma=5)
    β = pm.Normal('β', mu=0, sigma=5, shape=shape_xv[1])

    μ = α +, β)

    θ = pm.Deterministic('θ', 1 / (1 + pm.math.exp(-μ)))
    #bd = pm.Deterministic('bd', -α/β[1] - β[0]/β[1] * x_1[:,0])

    yl = pm.Bernoulli('yl', p=θ, observed=yv_train)

    trace_1 = pm.sample(1000, tune=2000, return_inferencedata=True, target_accept=0.85)
100.00% [3000/3000 05:14<00:00 Sampling chain 0, 0 divergences]
100.00% [3000/3000 05:16<00:00 Sampling chain 1, 0 divergences]
import arviz as az
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'α'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'α'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'β'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'β'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'θ'}>]],
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
α 3.265 4.098 -3.902 11.622 0.122 0.089 1128.0 1242.0 1.0
β[0] 5.155 1.751 1.874 8.353 0.058 0.041 931.0 1165.0 1.0
β[1] -0.258 0.053 -0.359 -0.164 0.001 0.001 2018.0 1436.0 1.0
β[2] -0.527 0.242 -0.977 -0.082 0.008 0.005 1052.0 1034.0 1.0
β[3] -0.030 0.008 -0.044 -0.016 0.000 0.000 1170.0 1115.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
θ[421] 0.996 0.003 0.992 1.000 0.000 0.000 2022.0 1260.0 1.0
θ[422] 0.990 0.006 0.980 0.998 0.000 0.000 1886.0 1418.0 1.0
θ[423] 0.896 0.042 0.820 0.969 0.001 0.001 1886.0 1643.0 1.0
θ[424] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 1424.0 1466.0 1.0
θ[425] 0.988 0.006 0.976 0.997 0.000 0.000 2123.0 1659.0 1.0

437 rows × 9 columns

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/arviz/plots/ UserWarning: rcParams['plot.max_subplots'] (40) is smaller than the number of variables to plot (437) in plot_posterior, generating only 40 plots
array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'α'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n0'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n1'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n2'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'β\n3'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n4'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n5'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n6'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'β\n7'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n8'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'β\n9'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n0'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n1'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n2'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n3'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n4'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n5'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n6'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n7'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n8'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n9'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n10'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n11'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n12'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n13'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n14'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n15'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n16'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n17'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n18'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n19'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n20'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n21'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n22'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n23'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n24'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n25'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n26'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n27'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'θ\n28'}>]], dtype=object)

Predictions on test data#

alpha_chain = trace_1.posterior['α'].mean(axis=0).values
beta_chain  = trace_1.posterior['β'].mean(axis=0).values

print(np.shape(alpha_chain), np.shape(beta_chain))
(1000,) (1000, 10)
logit =, beta_chain.T) + alpha_chain
(143, 1000)
probabilities = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-logit))
(143, 1000)
# Average probabilities for prediction
mean_probabilities = np.mean(probabilities, axis=1)

# Class assignment (you might adjust the threshold if needed, default is 0.5)
class_assignments = (mean_probabilities > 0.5).astype(int)

# Uncertainty estimation
lower_bound = np.percentile(probabilities, 2.5, axis=1)
upper_bound = np.percentile(probabilities, 97.5, axis=1)

print("TEST DATA: \n", xv_test.T)
print("class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): ")
for g,h,i,j,k in zip(yv_test, class_assignments, mean_probabilities, lower_bound,upper_bound):
  print(f"ground-truth: {g}, class: {h}, mean prob. {i:.4f}, 94% HDI: [{j:.4f},{k:.4f}]")

 [[1.125e+01 9.742e+00 1.754e+01 ... 2.055e+01 1.287e+01 2.321e+01]
 [1.478e+01 1.567e+01 1.932e+01 ... 2.086e+01 1.954e+01 2.697e+01]
 [7.138e+01 6.150e+01 1.151e+02 ... 1.378e+02 8.267e+01 1.535e+02]
 [2.941e-03 1.407e-02 7.488e-02 ... 1.322e-01 2.090e-02 1.237e-01]
 [1.773e-01 2.081e-01 1.506e-01 ... 2.127e-01 1.861e-01 1.909e-01]
 [6.081e-02 6.312e-02 5.491e-02 ... 6.251e-02 6.347e-02 6.309e-02]]

class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): 
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9979, 94% HDI: [0.9954,0.9992]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9974, 94% HDI: [0.9937,0.9992]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0271, 94% HDI: [0.0095,0.0606]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9844, 94% HDI: [0.9722,0.9926]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0024, 94% HDI: [0.0004,0.0075]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6446, 94% HDI: [0.5177,0.7538]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9575, 94% HDI: [0.9341,0.9746]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9876, 94% HDI: [0.9773,0.9938]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9467, 94% HDI: [0.9040,0.9756]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9081, 94% HDI: [0.8591,0.9464]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9877, 94% HDI: [0.9760,0.9953]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0116, 94% HDI: [0.0039,0.0260]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0983, 94% HDI: [0.0383,0.1964]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9915, 94% HDI: [0.9840,0.9962]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0060, 94% HDI: [0.0011,0.0180]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9626, 94% HDI: [0.9408,0.9781]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9908, 94% HDI: [0.9833,0.9957]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9876, 94% HDI: [0.9791,0.9937]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9717, 94% HDI: [0.9510,0.9848]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9860, 94% HDI: [0.9751,0.9930]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9401, 94% HDI: [0.9092,0.9642]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9714, 94% HDI: [0.9509,0.9853]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9655, 94% HDI: [0.9274,0.9881]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9862, 94% HDI: [0.9748,0.9940]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0251, 94% HDI: [0.0099,0.0493]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0583, 94% HDI: [0.0290,0.1002]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9923, 94% HDI: [0.9856,0.9963]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1865, 94% HDI: [0.1056,0.2782]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9979, 94% HDI: [0.9950,0.9993]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7574, 94% HDI: [0.6417,0.8530]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9951, 94% HDI: [0.9903,0.9980]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9559, 94% HDI: [0.9261,0.9765]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9906, 94% HDI: [0.9829,0.9954]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3801, 94% HDI: [0.2711,0.5056]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9963, 94% HDI: [0.9921,0.9986]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9557, 94% HDI: [0.9238,0.9773]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9856, 94% HDI: [0.9757,0.9924]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9851, 94% HDI: [0.9737,0.9926]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0003, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0012]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5834, 94% HDI: [0.4833,0.6747]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9908, 94% HDI: [0.9807,0.9965]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5778, 94% HDI: [0.4193,0.7278]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9222, 94% HDI: [0.8904,0.9480]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1962, 94% HDI: [0.1210,0.2904]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9172, 94% HDI: [0.8597,0.9581]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0824, 94% HDI: [0.0418,0.1357]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4835, 94% HDI: [0.3946,0.5687]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3333, 94% HDI: [0.2363,0.4422]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7865, 94% HDI: [0.7080,0.8517]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9867, 94% HDI: [0.9769,0.9935]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9758, 94% HDI: [0.9585,0.9877]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0236, 94% HDI: [0.0094,0.0467]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9850, 94% HDI: [0.9740,0.9925]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8380, 94% HDI: [0.7810,0.8861]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9906, 94% HDI: [0.9830,0.9956]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9836, 94% HDI: [0.9712,0.9915]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9993, 94% HDI: [0.9982,0.9998]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9648, 94% HDI: [0.9436,0.9804]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9544, 94% HDI: [0.9072,0.9829]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9508, 94% HDI: [0.9127,0.9778]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9192, 94% HDI: [0.8261,0.9738]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3319, 94% HDI: [0.2357,0.4325]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9937, 94% HDI: [0.9879,0.9973]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9953, 94% HDI: [0.9904,0.9981]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6508, 94% HDI: [0.5463,0.7520]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9322, 94% HDI: [0.8904,0.9622]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4666, 94% HDI: [0.3525,0.5801]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9950, 94% HDI: [0.9887,0.9983]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9206, 94% HDI: [0.8853,0.9490]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0022, 94% HDI: [0.0006,0.0059]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0253, 94% HDI: [0.0063,0.0618]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9229, 94% HDI: [0.8825,0.9532]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0627, 94% HDI: [0.0291,0.1111]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9992, 94% HDI: [0.9981,0.9998]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9966, 94% HDI: [0.9923,0.9988]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9916, 94% HDI: [0.9836,0.9965]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0195, 94% HDI: [0.0066,0.0430]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9960, 94% HDI: [0.9923,0.9984]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1186, 94% HDI: [0.0697,0.1831]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9442, 94% HDI: [0.9115,0.9661]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6332, 94% HDI: [0.5319,0.7185]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9771, 94% HDI: [0.9640,0.9872]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9924, 94% HDI: [0.9860,0.9965]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9857, 94% HDI: [0.9737,0.9934]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9560, 94% HDI: [0.9296,0.9756]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9570, 94% HDI: [0.9348,0.9736]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9043, 94% HDI: [0.8429,0.9484]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9904, 94% HDI: [0.9807,0.9959]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9887, 94% HDI: [0.9785,0.9955]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9512, 94% HDI: [0.9207,0.9733]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9988, 94% HDI: [0.9968,0.9997]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9246, 94% HDI: [0.8848,0.9543]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8805, 94% HDI: [0.8267,0.9238]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9770, 94% HDI: [0.9593,0.9888]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9991, 94% HDI: [0.9974,0.9998]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9938, 94% HDI: [0.9880,0.9973]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9803, 94% HDI: [0.9654,0.9897]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9944, 94% HDI: [0.9862,0.9984]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9974, 94% HDI: [0.9941,0.9991]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9982, 94% HDI: [0.9957,0.9994]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9858, 94% HDI: [0.9752,0.9933]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9905, 94% HDI: [0.9831,0.9953]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0015, 94% HDI: [0.0003,0.0043]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0945, 94% HDI: [0.0389,0.1848]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0028, 94% HDI: [0.0005,0.0086]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9904, 94% HDI: [0.9822,0.9956]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0059, 94% HDI: [0.0017,0.0140]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9975, 94% HDI: [0.9946,0.9991]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9140, 94% HDI: [0.8804,0.9430]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4691, 94% HDI: [0.3239,0.6180]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9934, 94% HDI: [0.9868,0.9973]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9929, 94% HDI: [0.9868,0.9969]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9807, 94% HDI: [0.9661,0.9900]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0048, 94% HDI: [0.0011,0.0123]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9732, 94% HDI: [0.9515,0.9871]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2830, 94% HDI: [0.1459,0.4572]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0769, 94% HDI: [0.0316,0.1421]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9856, 94% HDI: [0.9751,0.9927]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7376, 94% HDI: [0.5955,0.8569]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0040, 94% HDI: [0.0010,0.0107]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9973, 94% HDI: [0.9941,0.9991]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9954, 94% HDI: [0.9905,0.9983]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5708, 94% HDI: [0.4547,0.6788]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0501, 94% HDI: [0.0252,0.0853]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9972, 94% HDI: [0.9939,0.9990]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9636, 94% HDI: [0.9354,0.9827]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9882, 94% HDI: [0.9787,0.9943]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0071, 94% HDI: [0.0023,0.0164]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0013, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0040]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9660, 94% HDI: [0.9475,0.9800]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
print(np.shape(yv_test), np.shape(class_assignments))
(143,) (143,)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
%pip install scikit-learn
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (1.2.2)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.25.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=1.3.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.11.4)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn) (1.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn) (3.3.0)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix

# Calculate Accuracy
accuracy = accuracy_score(yv_test, class_assignments)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy}")

# Calculate Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(yv_test, class_assignments)
print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix}")
Accuracy: 0.9370629370629371
Confusion Matrix:
[[46  8]
 [ 1 88]]

Analysis on Training Data#

logit_train =, beta_chain.T) + alpha_chain

probabilities_train = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-logit_train))
(143, 1000)
(426, 1000)
# Average probabilities for prediction
mean_probabilities_train = np.mean(probabilities_train, axis=1)

# Class assignment (you might adjust the threshold if needed, default is 0.5)
class_assignments_train = (mean_probabilities_train > 0.5).astype(int)

# Uncertainty estimation
lower_bound_train = np.percentile(probabilities_train, 2.5, axis=1)
upper_bound_train = np.percentile(probabilities_train, 97.5, axis=1)

print("TRAINING DATA: \n", xv_train.T)

print("class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): ")
for g,h,i,j,k in zip(yv_train, class_assignments_train, mean_probabilities_train, lower_bound_train, upper_bound_train):
  print(f"ground-truth: {g}, class: {h}, mean prob. {i:.4f}, 94% HDI: [{j:.4f},{k:.4f}]")

 [[1.154e+01 2.031e+01 1.136e+01 ... 1.205e+01 2.044e+01 1.174e+01]
 [1.444e+01 2.706e+01 1.757e+01 ... 2.272e+01 2.178e+01 1.469e+01]
 [7.465e+01 1.329e+02 7.249e+01 ... 7.875e+01 1.338e+02 7.631e+01]
 [2.594e-02 9.333e-02 2.100e-02 ... 2.978e-02 7.785e-02 2.639e-02]
 [1.818e-01 1.814e-01 1.601e-01 ... 1.203e-01 1.618e-01 1.499e-01]
 [6.782e-02 5.572e-02 5.913e-02 ... 6.659e-02 5.557e-02 6.758e-02]]

class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): 
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9908, 94% HDI: [0.9824,0.9958]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9927, 94% HDI: [0.9865,0.9966]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1042, 94% HDI: [0.0483,0.1843]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0037, 94% HDI: [0.0008,0.0109]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7960, 94% HDI: [0.6794,0.8874]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9966, 94% HDI: [0.9925,0.9988]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5376, 94% HDI: [0.3663,0.6984]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9934, 94% HDI: [0.9872,0.9972]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9943, 94% HDI: [0.9867,0.9983]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3296, 94% HDI: [0.2068,0.4603]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9932, 94% HDI: [0.9839,0.9980]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0503, 94% HDI: [0.0176,0.1015]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2300, 94% HDI: [0.1556,0.3150]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8637, 94% HDI: [0.8154,0.9050]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9132, 94% HDI: [0.8660,0.9500]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9040, 94% HDI: [0.8497,0.9440]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1681, 94% HDI: [0.0792,0.3039]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2894, 94% HDI: [0.1584,0.4259]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9931, 94% HDI: [0.9864,0.9970]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9743, 94% HDI: [0.9516,0.9885]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9970, 94% HDI: [0.9892,0.9996]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0170, 94% HDI: [0.0064,0.0346]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8329, 94% HDI: [0.7451,0.9026]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8942, 94% HDI: [0.8290,0.9394]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9919, 94% HDI: [0.9834,0.9967]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0274, 94% HDI: [0.0093,0.0574]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9804, 94% HDI: [0.9668,0.9902]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8561, 94% HDI: [0.7595,0.9217]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8610, 94% HDI: [0.7909,0.9139]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9484, 94% HDI: [0.9117,0.9729]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9900, 94% HDI: [0.9784,0.9963]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9980, 94% HDI: [0.9954,0.9993]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9869, 94% HDI: [0.9772,0.9932]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0804, 94% HDI: [0.0377,0.1363]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9766, 94% HDI: [0.9614,0.9873]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0006, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0021]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5348, 94% HDI: [0.4366,0.6363]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9893, 94% HDI: [0.9807,0.9948]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0004, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0017]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9304, 94% HDI: [0.8978,0.9559]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9909, 94% HDI: [0.9830,0.9956]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8778, 94% HDI: [0.8179,0.9238]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9977, 94% HDI: [0.9948,0.9992]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9426, 94% HDI: [0.9163,0.9636]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9925, 94% HDI: [0.9850,0.9969]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5795, 94% HDI: [0.4750,0.6770]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0013, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0041]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9837, 94% HDI: [0.9721,0.9915]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6086, 94% HDI: [0.4702,0.7396]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0092, 94% HDI: [0.0027,0.0235]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4178, 94% HDI: [0.1866,0.6596]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9920, 94% HDI: [0.9856,0.9963]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9780, 94% HDI: [0.9576,0.9908]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9378, 94% HDI: [0.8897,0.9682]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0014, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0052]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7745, 94% HDI: [0.6815,0.8527]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9925, 94% HDI: [0.9865,0.9965]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8075, 94% HDI: [0.6847,0.8977]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9429, 94% HDI: [0.9042,0.9688]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9985, 94% HDI: [0.9963,0.9996]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9875, 94% HDI: [0.9742,0.9952]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7618, 94% HDI: [0.6868,0.8226]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0077, 94% HDI: [0.0024,0.0178]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9840, 94% HDI: [0.9735,0.9915]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9658, 94% HDI: [0.9472,0.9794]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9963, 94% HDI: [0.9924,0.9985]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0019, 94% HDI: [0.0003,0.0064]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9715, 94% HDI: [0.9465,0.9867]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9798, 94% HDI: [0.9637,0.9904]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0072, 94% HDI: [0.0015,0.0188]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9936, 94% HDI: [0.9864,0.9977]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9416, 94% HDI: [0.9125,0.9645]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7024, 94% HDI: [0.5463,0.8351]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9816, 94% HDI: [0.9671,0.9914]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2069, 94% HDI: [0.1354,0.2914]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9982, 94% HDI: [0.9957,0.9994]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1395, 94% HDI: [0.0545,0.2551]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9511, 94% HDI: [0.9152,0.9760]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9968, 94% HDI: [0.9933,0.9988]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8854, 94% HDI: [0.8365,0.9257]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9956, 94% HDI: [0.9914,0.9982]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9925, 94% HDI: [0.9857,0.9968]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9595, 94% HDI: [0.9311,0.9793]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6976, 94% HDI: [0.5536,0.8192]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0864, 94% HDI: [0.0417,0.1457]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9244, 94% HDI: [0.8824,0.9574]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9970, 94% HDI: [0.9932,0.9990]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9822, 94% HDI: [0.9674,0.9917]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9535, 94% HDI: [0.9292,0.9733]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8492, 94% HDI: [0.7573,0.9210]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0041, 94% HDI: [0.0010,0.0107]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1323, 94% HDI: [0.0603,0.2306]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7236, 94% HDI: [0.5854,0.8412]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9620, 94% HDI: [0.9399,0.9783]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9970, 94% HDI: [0.9936,0.9989]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9869, 94% HDI: [0.9755,0.9940]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9907, 94% HDI: [0.9825,0.9958]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9790, 94% HDI: [0.9645,0.9887]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0052, 94% HDI: [0.0012,0.0151]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9834, 94% HDI: [0.9657,0.9935]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7498, 94% HDI: [0.6484,0.8354]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0154, 94% HDI: [0.0028,0.0440]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8026, 94% HDI: [0.6419,0.9156]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9315, 94% HDI: [0.8984,0.9580]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8399, 94% HDI: [0.7790,0.8946]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9873, 94% HDI: [0.9764,0.9943]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0617, 94% HDI: [0.0306,0.1059]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5250, 94% HDI: [0.3751,0.6701]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3167, 94% HDI: [0.1832,0.4636]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4832, 94% HDI: [0.3009,0.6731]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9100, 94% HDI: [0.8608,0.9471]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9555, 94% HDI: [0.9298,0.9755]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9842, 94% HDI: [0.9723,0.9922]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6390, 94% HDI: [0.5047,0.7623]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9842, 94% HDI: [0.9709,0.9928]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5798, 94% HDI: [0.4790,0.6856]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9968, 94% HDI: [0.9931,0.9988]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9981, 94% HDI: [0.9961,0.9993]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9930, 94% HDI: [0.9862,0.9970]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9987, 94% HDI: [0.9967,0.9996]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9246, 94% HDI: [0.8868,0.9558]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0010, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0030]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4639, 94% HDI: [0.2895,0.6467]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9262, 94% HDI: [0.8925,0.9529]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9483, 94% HDI: [0.9025,0.9762]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9678, 94% HDI: [0.9282,0.9894]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9652, 94% HDI: [0.9402,0.9812]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0699, 94% HDI: [0.0280,0.1414]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7172, 94% HDI: [0.5904,0.8292]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9748, 94% HDI: [0.9411,0.9917]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6932, 94% HDI: [0.6113,0.7666]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0018, 94% HDI: [0.0004,0.0050]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9848, 94% HDI: [0.9725,0.9929]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9978, 94% HDI: [0.9949,0.9992]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7199, 94% HDI: [0.5944,0.8274]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9778, 94% HDI: [0.9625,0.9885]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9702, 94% HDI: [0.9525,0.9835]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9699, 94% HDI: [0.9538,0.9824]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0014, 94% HDI: [0.0003,0.0037]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0044, 94% HDI: [0.0011,0.0114]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0006]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0005, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0018]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9324, 94% HDI: [0.8993,0.9588]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9895, 94% HDI: [0.9803,0.9952]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0037, 94% HDI: [0.0005,0.0125]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9713, 94% HDI: [0.9531,0.9848]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7385, 94% HDI: [0.6548,0.8179]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6536, 94% HDI: [0.3068,0.9065]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9977, 94% HDI: [0.9952,0.9991]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9754, 94% HDI: [0.9566,0.9874]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9610, 94% HDI: [0.9403,0.9773]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2150, 94% HDI: [0.1311,0.3164]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0066, 94% HDI: [0.0017,0.0166]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0124, 94% HDI: [0.0035,0.0297]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9854, 94% HDI: [0.9748,0.9926]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9825, 94% HDI: [0.9608,0.9942]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0177, 94% HDI: [0.0057,0.0400]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8187, 94% HDI: [0.7580,0.8689]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9928, 94% HDI: [0.9862,0.9969]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7348, 94% HDI: [0.6301,0.8270]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8151, 94% HDI: [0.6457,0.9307]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9555, 94% HDI: [0.9304,0.9733]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0006, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0020]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0004, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0015]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9298, 94% HDI: [0.8882,0.9588]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9894, 94% HDI: [0.9784,0.9956]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0873, 94% HDI: [0.0404,0.1546]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9388, 94% HDI: [0.8953,0.9692]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4636, 94% HDI: [0.3445,0.5785]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0135, 94% HDI: [0.0038,0.0325]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9653, 94% HDI: [0.9460,0.9795]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9657, 94% HDI: [0.9458,0.9802]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9672, 94% HDI: [0.9465,0.9823]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9861, 94% HDI: [0.9742,0.9935]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9934, 94% HDI: [0.9872,0.9970]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9928, 94% HDI: [0.9862,0.9967]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8636, 94% HDI: [0.7777,0.9286]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4235, 94% HDI: [0.2935,0.5578]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7137, 94% HDI: [0.6349,0.7876]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9980, 94% HDI: [0.9949,0.9995]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9939, 94% HDI: [0.9877,0.9977]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0048, 94% HDI: [0.0014,0.0114]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0139, 94% HDI: [0.0043,0.0322]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9910, 94% HDI: [0.9832,0.9959]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9793, 94% HDI: [0.9648,0.9895]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9942, 94% HDI: [0.9884,0.9975]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9666, 94% HDI: [0.9413,0.9830]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1121, 94% HDI: [0.0576,0.1857]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7634, 94% HDI: [0.6858,0.8317]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8903, 94% HDI: [0.8394,0.9306]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4042, 94% HDI: [0.2759,0.5379]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5648, 94% HDI: [0.4453,0.6807]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0113, 94% HDI: [0.0035,0.0264]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9340, 94% HDI: [0.9049,0.9576]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1082, 94% HDI: [0.0465,0.1948]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9728, 94% HDI: [0.9547,0.9857]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9900, 94% HDI: [0.9811,0.9956]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0016, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0062]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0353, 94% HDI: [0.0106,0.0807]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9946, 94% HDI: [0.9895,0.9977]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9849, 94% HDI: [0.9730,0.9926]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0301, 94% HDI: [0.0063,0.0850]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9847, 94% HDI: [0.9734,0.9921]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5657, 94% HDI: [0.4568,0.6698]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0004]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9889, 94% HDI: [0.9694,0.9976]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9894, 94% HDI: [0.9791,0.9958]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9855, 94% HDI: [0.9744,0.9929]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9173, 94% HDI: [0.8813,0.9490]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7938, 94% HDI: [0.6821,0.8791]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9942, 94% HDI: [0.9886,0.9977]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0239, 94% HDI: [0.0084,0.0496]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9968, 94% HDI: [0.9927,0.9990]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9923, 94% HDI: [0.9856,0.9965]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0005]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9905, 94% HDI: [0.9817,0.9959]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9984, 94% HDI: [0.9961,0.9995]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9861, 94% HDI: [0.9757,0.9933]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0234, 94% HDI: [0.0072,0.0535]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9922, 94% HDI: [0.9852,0.9967]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9979, 94% HDI: [0.9953,0.9992]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9860, 94% HDI: [0.9739,0.9936]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0010, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0032]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9375, 94% HDI: [0.8843,0.9701]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9901, 94% HDI: [0.9803,0.9959]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9241, 94% HDI: [0.8752,0.9587]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9848, 94% HDI: [0.9737,0.9924]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9939, 94% HDI: [0.9881,0.9976]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0097, 94% HDI: [0.0023,0.0253]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8000, 94% HDI: [0.7174,0.8741]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2934, 94% HDI: [0.1648,0.4470]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3755, 94% HDI: [0.2663,0.4853]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0003, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0010]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9927, 94% HDI: [0.9823,0.9978]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9045, 94% HDI: [0.8533,0.9439]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9326, 94% HDI: [0.8871,0.9655]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0259, 94% HDI: [0.0091,0.0564]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9897, 94% HDI: [0.9812,0.9950]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9607, 94% HDI: [0.9378,0.9789]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7105, 94% HDI: [0.6303,0.7879]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9617, 94% HDI: [0.9180,0.9853]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9980, 94% HDI: [0.9954,0.9993]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9649, 94% HDI: [0.9249,0.9869]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3866, 94% HDI: [0.2471,0.5335]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9180, 94% HDI: [0.8823,0.9469]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8027, 94% HDI: [0.7333,0.8640]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9663, 94% HDI: [0.9433,0.9814]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1099, 94% HDI: [0.0588,0.1759]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9667, 94% HDI: [0.9431,0.9831]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9942, 94% HDI: [0.9879,0.9978]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1263, 94% HDI: [0.0564,0.2270]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0027, 94% HDI: [0.0006,0.0076]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9865, 94% HDI: [0.9756,0.9938]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9723, 94% HDI: [0.9513,0.9860]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9860, 94% HDI: [0.9685,0.9950]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9753, 94% HDI: [0.9584,0.9876]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1303, 94% HDI: [0.0387,0.2776]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9668, 94% HDI: [0.9413,0.9838]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9164, 94% HDI: [0.8522,0.9618]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9954, 94% HDI: [0.9906,0.9982]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9862, 94% HDI: [0.9757,0.9936]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9903, 94% HDI: [0.9806,0.9964]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2028, 94% HDI: [0.1241,0.2935]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9228, 94% HDI: [0.8878,0.9503]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9273, 94% HDI: [0.8227,0.9816]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9990, 94% HDI: [0.9974,0.9997]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0003]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0014, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0046]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0003, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0015]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9953, 94% HDI: [0.9886,0.9987]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9881, 94% HDI: [0.9744,0.9957]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9955, 94% HDI: [0.9889,0.9987]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2120, 94% HDI: [0.1029,0.3548]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9946, 94% HDI: [0.9895,0.9977]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5739, 94% HDI: [0.4602,0.6770]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4320, 94% HDI: [0.3335,0.5239]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9875, 94% HDI: [0.9775,0.9938]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9820, 94% HDI: [0.9696,0.9902]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9558, 94% HDI: [0.9341,0.9729]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8095, 94% HDI: [0.6862,0.9038]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9991, 94% HDI: [0.9978,0.9997]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9960, 94% HDI: [0.9921,0.9984]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9211, 94% HDI: [0.8839,0.9507]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9964, 94% HDI: [0.9906,0.9991]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4563, 94% HDI: [0.3617,0.5555]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9797, 94% HDI: [0.9657,0.9893]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9931, 94% HDI: [0.9870,0.9970]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7366, 94% HDI: [0.6200,0.8417]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6280, 94% HDI: [0.5361,0.7146]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9936, 94% HDI: [0.9877,0.9972]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3583, 94% HDI: [0.2235,0.5218]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9771, 94% HDI: [0.9359,0.9948]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9855, 94% HDI: [0.9670,0.9953]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9174, 94% HDI: [0.8776,0.9485]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2369, 94% HDI: [0.1443,0.3671]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8386, 94% HDI: [0.7660,0.8976]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9982, 94% HDI: [0.9957,0.9994]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9941, 94% HDI: [0.9880,0.9977]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0015, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0050]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9538, 94% HDI: [0.9300,0.9724]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9993, 94% HDI: [0.9982,0.9998]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0003, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0012]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8153, 94% HDI: [0.7060,0.8985]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9963, 94% HDI: [0.9923,0.9987]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0390, 94% HDI: [0.0110,0.0920]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0058, 94% HDI: [0.0010,0.0181]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0044, 94% HDI: [0.0010,0.0126]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9929, 94% HDI: [0.9861,0.9970]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7798, 94% HDI: [0.7076,0.8479]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0016, 94% HDI: [0.0003,0.0051]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9714, 94% HDI: [0.9516,0.9853]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7219, 94% HDI: [0.6453,0.7954]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9967, 94% HDI: [0.9933,0.9987]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4043, 94% HDI: [0.2531,0.5564]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9727, 94% HDI: [0.9507,0.9871]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9041, 94% HDI: [0.8216,0.9567]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9703, 94% HDI: [0.9536,0.9836]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9926, 94% HDI: [0.9849,0.9971]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9923, 94% HDI: [0.9853,0.9966]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.1799, 94% HDI: [0.0683,0.3554]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9912, 94% HDI: [0.9836,0.9960]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0005, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0017]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9788, 94% HDI: [0.9645,0.9886]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0012, 94% HDI: [0.0002,0.0042]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9905, 94% HDI: [0.9831,0.9953]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0008]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9972, 94% HDI: [0.9942,0.9989]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9875, 94% HDI: [0.9770,0.9943]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0005, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0025]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7965, 94% HDI: [0.7145,0.8629]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0003]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9838, 94% HDI: [0.9708,0.9920]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9477, 94% HDI: [0.9124,0.9722]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9910, 94% HDI: [0.9828,0.9961]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0003, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0010]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9516, 94% HDI: [0.9178,0.9754]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9845, 94% HDI: [0.9720,0.9928]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0279, 94% HDI: [0.0073,0.0684]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9938, 94% HDI: [0.9871,0.9978]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0003]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7598, 94% HDI: [0.6824,0.8288]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9980, 94% HDI: [0.9954,0.9993]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9529, 94% HDI: [0.9238,0.9724]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9532, 94% HDI: [0.9159,0.9781]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2698, 94% HDI: [0.1771,0.3712]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9976, 94% HDI: [0.9946,0.9992]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9971, 94% HDI: [0.9935,0.9990]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7877, 94% HDI: [0.6582,0.8915]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6273, 94% HDI: [0.4399,0.7810]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9754, 94% HDI: [0.9597,0.9863]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9972, 94% HDI: [0.9937,0.9991]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0009, 94% HDI: [0.0001,0.0033]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.2136, 94% HDI: [0.1145,0.3367]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9914, 94% HDI: [0.9840,0.9959]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0039, 94% HDI: [0.0008,0.0109]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9946, 94% HDI: [0.9877,0.9983]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9876, 94% HDI: [0.9753,0.9951]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5367, 94% HDI: [0.4448,0.6223]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9378, 94% HDI: [0.9065,0.9615]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9602, 94% HDI: [0.9296,0.9815]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9630, 94% HDI: [0.9091,0.9898]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6704, 94% HDI: [0.5819,0.7503]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7970, 94% HDI: [0.7239,0.8607]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0003]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0002, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0008]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8595, 94% HDI: [0.6728,0.9635]
ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4895, 94% HDI: [0.3299,0.6426]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9811, 94% HDI: [0.9681,0.9901]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0535, 94% HDI: [0.0217,0.1035]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0000]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9833, 94% HDI: [0.9710,0.9916]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8763, 94% HDI: [0.8223,0.9185]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9852, 94% HDI: [0.9737,0.9928]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8918, 94% HDI: [0.8488,0.9283]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8871, 94% HDI: [0.8285,0.9310]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7482, 94% HDI: [0.6645,0.8231]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9475, 94% HDI: [0.9130,0.9731]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9871, 94% HDI: [0.9762,0.9938]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.3291, 94% HDI: [0.2270,0.4502]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9499, 94% HDI: [0.9031,0.9776]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9718, 94% HDI: [0.9547,0.9841]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0110, 94% HDI: [0.0035,0.0243]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9966, 94% HDI: [0.9927,0.9988]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9912, 94% HDI: [0.9822,0.9963]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8990, 94% HDI: [0.8318,0.9477]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0006]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9886, 94% HDI: [0.9786,0.9947]
# Calculate Accuracy
accuracy_train = accuracy_score(yv_train, class_assignments_train)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy_train}")

# Calculate Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix_train = confusion_matrix(yv_train, class_assignments_train)
print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix_train}")
Accuracy: 0.9154929577464789
Confusion Matrix:
[[135  23]
 [ 13 255]]

Isolate the misidentified events#

# Find indices where the prediction and the ground truth don't match
mismatch_indices = np.where(yv_test != class_assignments)[0]
# Select the mismatched events
mismatched_events_true = yv_test[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_class = class_assignments[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_prob = mean_probabilities[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_low = lower_bound[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_up = upper_bound[mismatch_indices]
print("MISMATCHED TEST DATA: \n", xv_train.T)

print("class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): ")
for f,g,h,i,j,k in zip(mismatch_indices, mismatched_events_true, mismatched_events_class, mismatched_events_prob, \
                     mismatched_events_low, mismatched_events_up ):
  print(f"index: {f:4}, ground-truth: {g}, class: {h}, mean prob. {i:.4f}, 94% HDI: [{j:.4f},{k:.4f}]")

 [[1.154e+01 2.031e+01 1.136e+01 ... 1.205e+01 2.044e+01 1.174e+01]
 [1.444e+01 2.706e+01 1.757e+01 ... 2.272e+01 2.178e+01 1.469e+01]
 [7.465e+01 1.329e+02 7.249e+01 ... 7.875e+01 1.338e+02 7.631e+01]
 [2.594e-02 9.333e-02 2.100e-02 ... 2.978e-02 7.785e-02 2.639e-02]
 [1.818e-01 1.814e-01 1.601e-01 ... 1.203e-01 1.618e-01 1.499e-01]
 [6.782e-02 5.572e-02 5.913e-02 ... 6.659e-02 5.557e-02 6.758e-02]]

class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): 
index:    7, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9876, 94% HDI: [0.9773,0.9938]
index:   21, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9401, 94% HDI: [0.9092,0.9642]
index:   30, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7574, 94% HDI: [0.6417,0.8530]
index:   40, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5834, 94% HDI: [0.4833,0.6747]
index:   42, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5778, 94% HDI: [0.4193,0.7278]
index:   72, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6508, 94% HDI: [0.5463,0.7520]
index:   90, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6332, 94% HDI: [0.5319,0.7185]
index:  120, ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4691, 94% HDI: [0.3239,0.6180]
index:  133, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5708, 94% HDI: [0.4547,0.6788]

Filtering those events#

uncertain_events = [40,42,120,133]
uncertain_events = np.asarray(uncertain_events)

# Create a boolean mask
mask = np.ones(yv_test.shape, dtype=bool)  # Initialize mask with True
mask[uncertain_events] = False  # Set False for indices in mismatch_indices

# Filter the data
filtered_yv_test = yv_test[mask]
filtered_xv_test = xv_test[mask]
filtered_events_class = class_assignments[mask]
filtered_events_prob = mean_probabilities[mask]
filtered_events_low = lower_bound[mask]
filtered_events_up = upper_bound[mask]
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> (143,)
# Calculate Accuracy
accuracy_filter = accuracy_score(filtered_yv_test, filtered_events_class)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy_filter}")

# Calculate Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix_filter = confusion_matrix(filtered_yv_test, filtered_events_class)
print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix_train}")
Accuracy: 0.9640287769784173
Confusion Matrix:
[[135  23]
 [ 13 255]]

Using PCA#

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Standardize the data
scaler = StandardScaler()
x_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x_train)
x_test_scaled = scaler.transform(x_test)

# PCA transformation
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
x_train_pca = pca.fit_transform(x_train_scaled)
x_test_pca = pca.transform(x_test_scaled)
expl_var = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
[5.40185459 2.6218337 ]
[0.53891742 0.26156792]
with pm.Model() as model_pca:

    alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sigma=5)
    betas = pm.Normal('betas', mu=0, sigma=5, shape= x_train_pca.shape[1])

    logits = alpha +, betas)

    theta = pm.Deterministic('theta', 1 / (1 + pm.math.exp(-logits)))
    bd = pm.Deterministic('bd', -alpha/betas[1] - betas[0]/betas[1] * x_train_pca[:,0])

    yl = pm.Bernoulli('yl', p=theta, observed=y_train)

    trace_pca = pm.sample(1000, tune=2000, return_inferencedata=True, target_accept=0.85)
100.00% [3000/3000 00:05<00:00 Sampling chain 0, 0 divergences]
100.00% [3000/3000 00:04<00:00 Sampling chain 1, 0 divergences]
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
alpha 0.563 0.212 0.161 0.951 0.005 0.004 1610.0 1432.0 1.0
betas[0] -2.489 0.297 -3.016 -1.901 0.008 0.006 1340.0 1294.0 1.0
betas[1] 0.789 0.164 0.465 1.065 0.004 0.003 1385.0 1183.0 1.0
theta[0] 0.989 0.006 0.977 0.998 0.000 0.000 1283.0 1044.0 1.0
theta[1] 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 1243.0 1188.0 1.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
bd[421] -6.825 1.280 -9.212 -4.726 0.028 0.020 2044.0 1554.0 1.0
bd[422] -4.389 0.860 -5.972 -2.989 0.019 0.014 1913.0 1609.0 1.0
bd[423] -6.174 1.167 -8.342 -4.251 0.026 0.018 2027.0 1554.0 1.0
bd[424] 6.131 1.126 4.311 8.212 0.023 0.016 2331.0 1667.0 1.0
bd[425] -6.511 1.225 -8.784 -4.513 0.027 0.019 2036.0 1554.0 1.0

855 rows × 9 columns

array([[<Axes: title={'center': 'alpha'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'alpha'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'betas'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'betas'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'theta'}>,
        <Axes: title={'center': 'theta'}>],
       [<Axes: title={'center': 'bd'}>, <Axes: title={'center': 'bd'}>]],
alpha_chain_pca = trace_pca.posterior['alpha'].mean(axis=0).values
betas_chain_pca = trace_pca.posterior['betas'].mean(axis=0).values

print(np.shape(alpha_chain_pca), np.shape(betas_chain_pca))
(1000,) (1000, 2)

Analysis on standardized and PCA-reduced data#

logit_pca =, betas_chain_pca.T) + alpha_chain_pca

probabilities_pca = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-logit_pca))
(143, 1000)
(143, 1000)
# Average probabilities for prediction
mean_probabilities_pca = np.mean(probabilities_pca, axis=1)

# Class assignment (you might adjust the threshold if needed, default is 0.5)
class_assignments_pca = (mean_probabilities_pca > 0.5).astype(int)

# Uncertainty estimation
lower_bound_pca = np.percentile(probabilities_pca, 2.5, axis=1)
upper_bound_pca = np.percentile(probabilities_pca, 97.5, axis=1)

print("TEST DATA (after stanardization and PCA-reduced): \n", x_test_pca.T)

print("class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): ")
count = 0
for g,h,i,j,k in zip(yv_test, class_assignments_pca, mean_probabilities_pca, lower_bound_pca, upper_bound_pca):
  if (count%20==0):
    print(f"ground-truth: {g}, class: {h}, mean prob. {i:.4f}, 94% HDI: [{j:.4f},{k:.4f}]")
  count = count+1

TEST DATA (after stanardization and PCA-reduced): 
 [[-2.68765349 -2.5113037   1.01084219 -2.83111171  2.16544047  0.37694912
  -0.91817304 -1.68999278 -1.24530946  0.12623048 -2.38243235  1.90388123
   2.31888898 -2.27683002  2.83808936 -1.03028813 -2.29880578 -1.89687777
  -0.52039147 -1.30806695  4.36476664 -1.20633777 -1.33057932 -2.81543489
  -2.09760325  1.34545564  1.2317508  -1.91466512  0.44382841 -2.43543411
   1.28886213 -2.03699266 -1.28565306 -1.87007999  1.38979878 -2.2149903
  -0.99558582 -1.9069201  -2.10892453  2.78043943 -0.59618023 -1.71318561
   1.40232197 -0.59737643  0.8066522   0.17532421  4.02489799  7.51919622
   0.41079628  0.56903517  0.9351951   2.51774498 -0.71395051 -1.75754436
  -1.46500693  1.91261772 -1.52280955  3.52478866  4.13148745 -0.05593647
   4.92138927 -1.99454432 -1.10275494 -2.68566393 -0.73253818  7.77540963
  -2.67319268 -2.42506682 -1.12459722  0.43761454 -2.13246376 -2.04942915
  -0.39346898 -1.73509426 -0.01507782 -1.28842198 -0.5076413   4.31797969
   2.93628467  0.41471032 -0.28923594  1.67405133  2.92041367 -3.2609447
  -1.91768304 -2.04615302  2.0778711  -2.78127963  1.33931947 -1.54511781
   0.45081405 -1.38512919 -2.24308444  7.04517983 -1.4844696  -1.320075
  -1.06346831 -0.29988115 -1.10189236 -2.14063483 -1.74381292 -3.294123
  -1.21712346  0.22593737 -1.9337784  -3.02748172 -2.52695222 -1.26940837
  -2.41894358 -2.36448211 -3.45683486 -2.17811665 -2.07411438  2.60353705
   2.46462643  1.4679766  -1.74058593  2.79006312 -2.66861009 -0.69822168
  -0.2719495  -1.34396012 -2.3787894  -1.01556348  1.3896027  -0.33650935
   2.31255672  1.65456802 -1.69979833 -1.08656399  2.26569582 -2.72317747
  -2.85298563  0.47046889  1.90461237 -2.50982825 -1.34581768 -1.76283834
   2.86509754  2.78115429  4.38451616 -1.33134025  4.96953382]
 [-0.13611386  0.95862029 -1.91138315 -2.66288919 -0.72687977  0.38068157
   0.73713249  0.16453986 -1.80588348  2.40644672 -2.39874421 -0.51994523
   3.46739654 -0.83776882  1.3526116   0.26203505 -1.47888575 -0.55682945
   1.46265634  0.42854629 -1.98123104 -0.97801068 -0.87606965 -0.34930916
  -1.78494657 -0.90205228 -0.18292576 -0.07100387 -1.3986182   0.17726552
   3.22734351  1.34390113 -0.82187766  0.03418315  1.14438434 -0.77389129
  -0.99500946 -0.27751414 -0.99625037 -1.15343472 -1.41878682 -1.14861194
   0.84906373  0.72577427 -0.30001375  1.95294978 -0.92631825 -3.61025602
  -1.63897296  0.3996528   1.30361704 -3.11394172 -0.5566169  -0.53594595
  -0.81247219 -0.1500986   0.13347942 -3.31513936 -0.2582219   0.34122947
   1.7964115   0.03504414  1.1989128   0.39658141  1.0002434  -1.31888061
  -0.70000003 -1.2955354   3.41222897 -0.01454769  0.76648645  0.40705628
  -0.91087231 -1.49768481 -1.32694016  0.61004128  0.49457419 -1.70935433
   0.0558852  -2.50481596  1.08874529  0.51580252 -1.19841172 -0.90495962
  -0.25518624  1.03110911  1.65382569 -1.1361806  -0.01015888 -0.7460224
   1.18136689  0.02008071 -0.66894711 -0.91765443 -0.8289278   0.86895531
  -0.44478576  1.246291    1.4627026   1.36416819 -0.73090161  1.09375715
   0.20344261  1.23349178  0.14905164  1.77015587 -0.24862147  1.24576249
   2.50472344 -0.66023141 -0.29824417 -1.63495898 -0.42969605  0.12544955
   2.66458765 -1.82423955 -0.2261428   1.65936891 -0.9825544   0.41298155
  -0.64520053  1.03944042 -0.9356033   0.43087011 -0.9606564   0.94981272
   2.03762753  2.10182937 -0.23322591 -0.1132355   0.27211702 -1.75383072
   0.02007179  1.1177642   0.40762721  0.60242354 -1.53698874  0.13716864
   0.64051868 -0.93970368 -0.59959434  0.04264858 -2.13138555]]

class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): 
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9991, 94% HDI: [0.9977,0.9998]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7147, 94% HDI: [0.6275,0.7923]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0001, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0002]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.8930, 94% HDI: [0.8476,0.9310]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9861, 94% HDI: [0.9753,0.9937]
ground-truth: 1, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6739, 94% HDI: [0.5983,0.7442]
ground-truth: 0, class: 0, mean prob. 0.0000, 94% HDI: [0.0000,0.0001]
# Calculate Accuracy
accuracy_pca = accuracy_score(yv_test, class_assignments_pca)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy_pca}")

# Calculate Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix_pca = confusion_matrix(yv_test, class_assignments_pca)
print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix_pca}")
Accuracy: 0.951048951048951
Confusion Matrix:
[[48  6]
 [ 1 88]]

Visualization of Uncertainty Band#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

idx = np.argsort(x_train_pca[:,0])

bd_mean = trace_pca.posterior['bd'].mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)

plt.scatter(x_train_pca[:,0], x_train_pca[:,1], c=[f'C{x}' for x in yv_train])

bd = bd_mean[idx]

plt.plot(x_train_pca[:,0][idx], bd, color='k');

az.plot_hdi(x_train_pca[:,0], trace_pca.posterior['bd'], color='k')

plt.title('training data')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'training data')
bd_mean = trace_pca.posterior['bd'].mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0)

plt.scatter(x_test_pca[:,0], x_test_pca[:,1], c=[f'C{x}' for x in yv_test])

bd = bd_mean[idx]

plt.plot(x_train_pca[:,0][idx], bd, color='k');

az.plot_hdi(x_train_pca[:,0], trace_pca.posterior['bd'], color='k')

plt.title('Test Data')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Test Data')

Filtering Events#

# Find indices where the prediction and the ground truth don't match
mismatch_indices = np.where(yv_test != class_assignments_pca)[0]
[  5   7  21  40  72  90 133]
# Select the mismatched events
mismatched_events_true_pca = yv_test[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_class_pca = class_assignments_pca[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_prob_pca = mean_probabilities_pca[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_low_pca = lower_bound_pca[mismatch_indices]
mismatched_events_up_pca = upper_bound_pca[mismatch_indices]
print("MISMATCHED TEST DATA (after PCA): \n", xv_train.T)

print("class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): ")
for f,g,h,i,j,k in zip(mismatch_indices, mismatched_events_true_pca, mismatched_events_class_pca, mismatched_events_prob_pca, \
                     mismatched_events_low_pca, mismatched_events_up_pca ):
  print(f"index: {f:4}, ground-truth: {g}, class: {h}, mean prob. {i:.4f}, 94% HDI: [{j:.4f},{k:.4f}]")

 [[1.154e+01 2.031e+01 1.136e+01 ... 1.205e+01 2.044e+01 1.174e+01]
 [1.444e+01 2.706e+01 1.757e+01 ... 2.272e+01 2.178e+01 1.469e+01]
 [7.465e+01 1.329e+02 7.249e+01 ... 7.875e+01 1.338e+02 7.631e+01]
 [2.594e-02 9.333e-02 2.100e-02 ... 2.978e-02 7.785e-02 2.639e-02]
 [1.818e-01 1.814e-01 1.601e-01 ... 1.203e-01 1.618e-01 1.499e-01]
 [6.782e-02 5.572e-02 5.913e-02 ... 6.659e-02 5.557e-02 6.758e-02]]

class, probabilities, ranges(94%HDI): 
index:    5, ground-truth: 1, class: 0, mean prob. 0.4813, 94% HDI: [0.4014,0.5575]
index:    7, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9920, 94% HDI: [0.9847,0.9968]
index:   21, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.9407, 94% HDI: [0.9093,0.9652]
index:   40, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.7147, 94% HDI: [0.6275,0.7923]
index:   72, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.6937, 94% HDI: [0.6163,0.7643]
index:   90, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5914, 94% HDI: [0.5029,0.6751]
index:  133, ground-truth: 0, class: 1, mean prob. 0.5674, 94% HDI: [0.4797,0.6527]
uncertain_events_pca = [5,133]
uncertain_events_pca = np.asarray(uncertain_events_pca)

# Create a boolean mask
mask_pca = np.ones(yv_test.shape, dtype=bool)  # Initialize mask with True
mask_pca[uncertain_events_pca] = False  # Set False for indices in mismatch_indices

# Filter the data
filtered_yv_test_pca = yv_test[mask_pca]
filtered_xv_test_pca = x_test_pca.values[mask_pca]
filtered_events_class_pca = class_assignments_pca[mask_pca]
filtered_events_prob_pca = mean_probabilities_pca[mask_pca]
filtered_events_low_pca = lower_bound_pca[mask_pca]
filtered_events_up_pca = upper_bound_pca[mask_pca]
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> (143,)
Ple# Calculate Accuracy
accuracy_pca_filter = accuracy_score(filtered_yv_test_pca, filtered_events_class_pca)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy_pca_filter}")

# Calculate Confusion Matrix
conf_matrix_pca_filter = confusion_matrix(filtered_yv_test_pca, filtered_events_class_pca)
print(f"Confusion Matrix:\n{conf_matrix_pca}")
Accuracy: 0.9645390070921985
Confusion Matrix:
[[48  6]
 [ 1 88]]