Credits: Raschka et al, Chap 11

11. Building a Multi-layer Artificial Neural Network from Scratch#

from IPython.display import Image
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display

display(Image(url="", width=600))

11.1. Classifying handwritten digits#

The MNIST dataset is publicly available at and consists of the following four parts:

  • Training set images: train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (9.9 MB, 47 MB unzipped, 60,000 examples)

  • Training set labels: train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz (29 KB, 60 KB unzipped, 60,000 labels)

  • Test set images: t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (1.6 MB, 7.8 MB, 10,000 examples)

  • Test set labels: t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz (5 KB, 10 KB unzipped, 10,000 labels)

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

X, y = fetch_openml('mnist_784', version=1, return_X_y=True)
X = X.values
y = y.astype(int).values

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/sklearn/datasets/ FutureWarning: The default value of `parser` will change from `'liac-arff'` to `'auto'` in 1.4. You can set `parser='auto'` to silence this warning. Therefore, an `ImportError` will be raised from 1.4 if the dataset is dense and pandas is not installed. Note that the pandas parser may return different data types. See the Notes Section in fetch_openml's API doc for details.
(70000, 784)

Normalize to [-1, 1] range:

X = ((X / 255.) - .5) * 2
(70000, 784)
# to familiarize
print(np.shape(X[y == 7]))   # all digits  == 7
print(np.shape(X[y == 7][2])) # visualize second example among those with label 7
(7293, 784)

Visualize the first digit of each class:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
for i in range(10):
    img = X[y == i][10].reshape(28, 28) #creates a boolean mask with all images coincident with one specific digit. Of which we take the first.
    ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='Greys')


Visualize 25 different versions of “7”:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=5, sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax = ax.flatten()
for i in range(25):
    img = X[y == 7][i].reshape(28, 28)
    ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='Greys')

# plt.savefig('figures/11_5.png', dpi=300)

Split into training, validation, and test set:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_temp, X_test, y_temp, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=10000, random_state=123, stratify=y)

X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(
    X_temp, y_temp, test_size=5000, random_state=123, stratify=y_temp)

# optional to free up some memory by deleting non-used arrays:
del X_temp, y_temp, X, y

11.2. Modeling a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)#


def sigmoid(z):
    return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-z))

def int_to_onehot(y, num_labels):

    ary = np.zeros((y.shape[0], num_labels))  # [n_examples, n_classes]
    for i, val in enumerate(y):
        ary[i, val] = 1

    return ary

class InitializeModel:
    def __init__(self, random_seed=123):
        print("Model initialization")
        self.random_seed = random_seed
        # Set up a common random number generator
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
        # Common attribute for all models
        self.operation = "Initialization"

class NeuralNetMLP(InitializeModel):

    def __init__(self, num_features, num_hidden, num_classes, random_seed=123):

        self.num_classes = num_classes

        # hidden
        #rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        self.weight_h = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(num_hidden, num_features))
        self.bias_h = np.zeros(num_hidden)

        # output
        self.weight_out = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(num_classes, num_hidden))
        self.bias_out = np.zeros(num_classes)
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.num_features = num_features
        self.num_hidden = num_hidden

    def _initialize_weights(self):
        """Initialize weights and biases with random values."""
        # Initialize hidden layer weights and biases
        self.weight_h = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(self.num_hidden, self.num_features))
        self.bias_h = np.zeros(self.num_hidden)

        # Initialize output layer weights and biases
        self.weight_out = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(self.num_classes, self.num_hidden))
        self.bias_out = np.zeros(self.num_classes)

    def reinitialize(self, random_seed=None):
        """Reinitialize the model weights and biases if you need to."""
        if random_seed is not None:
            self.rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Hidden layer
        # input dim: [n_examples, n_features] dot [n_hidden, n_features].T
        # output dim: [n_examples, n_hidden]
        z_h =, self.weight_h.T) + self.bias_h
        a_h = sigmoid(z_h)

        # Output layer
        # input dim: [n_examples, n_hidden] dot [n_classes, n_hidden].T
        # output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        z_out =, self.weight_out.T) + self.bias_out
        a_out = sigmoid(z_out)
        return a_h, a_out

    def backward(self, x, a_h, a_out, y):

        ### Output layer weights

        # onehot encoding
        y_onehot = int_to_onehot(y, self.num_classes)

        # For simplicity, the loss function is assumed to be the same we saw in Adaline, that is an MSE
        # Loss = 1/n \sum_{i=1}^{n} 1/t \sum_{j=1}^{t} (y^{i}_{j}-outa^{i}_{j})^2
        # Later on we will look at other loss functions such as multi-category cross-entropy loss

        # Part 1: dLoss/dOutWeights
        ## = dLoss/dOutAct * dOutAct/dOutZ * dOutz/dOutWeight
        ## where DeltaOut = dLoss/dOutAct * dOutAct/dOutZ
        ## for convenient re-use

        # input/output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        d_loss__d_a_out = 2.*(a_out - y_onehot) / y.shape[0]

        # input/output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        d_a_out__d_z_out = a_out * (1. - a_out) # sigmoid derivative (<--- demonstrate)

        # output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        delta_out = d_loss__d_a_out * d_a_out__d_z_out # "delta (rule) placeholder"

        # gradient for output weights

        # [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_z_out__dw_out = a_h

        # input dim: [n_classes, n_examples] dot [n_examples, n_hidden]
        # output dim: [n_classes, n_hidden]
        d_loss__dw_out =, d_z_out__dw_out)
        d_loss__db_out = np.sum(delta_out, axis=0) # [n_classes]

        # Part 2: dLoss/dHiddenWeights
        ## = DeltaOut * dOutZ/dHiddenAct * dHiddenAct/dHiddenZ * dHiddenZ/dWeight

        # [n_classes, n_hidden]
        d_z_out__a_h = self.weight_out

        # output dim: [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_loss__a_h =, d_z_out__a_h)

        # [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_a_h__d_z_h = a_h * (1. - a_h) # sigmoid derivative

        # [n_examples, n_features]
        d_z_h__d_w_h = x

        # output dim: [n_hidden, n_features]
        d_loss__d_w_h = * d_a_h__d_z_h).T, d_z_h__d_w_h)
        d_loss__d_b_h = np.sum((d_loss__a_h * d_a_h__d_z_h), axis=0)

        return (d_loss__dw_out, d_loss__db_out,
                d_loss__d_w_h, d_loss__d_b_h)
#******************     THE MODEL   *********************#

model = NeuralNetMLP(num_features=28*28,

Model initialization

11.3. Coding the neural network training loop#

Defining data loaders:

num_epochs = 50
minibatch_size = 100

def minibatch_generator(X, y, minibatch_size):
    indices = np.arange(X.shape[0]) # this is the number of examples

    for start_idx in range(0, indices.shape[0] - minibatch_size
                           + 1, minibatch_size):
        batch_idx = indices[start_idx:start_idx + minibatch_size]

        yield X[batch_idx], y[batch_idx] # does not execute the function immediately, returs a generator object

#------------ let's check dimensionality --------------#

# iterate over training epochs
for i in range(num_epochs):

    # iterate over minibatches
    minibatch_gen = minibatch_generator(
        X_train, y_train, minibatch_size)

    for X_train_mini, y_train_mini in minibatch_gen:



(100, 784)

Defining a function to compute the loss and accuracy

def mse_loss(targets, probas, num_labels=10):
    onehot_targets = int_to_onehot(targets, num_labels=num_labels)
    return np.mean((onehot_targets - probas)**2)

def accuracy(targets, predicted_labels):
    return np.mean(predicted_labels == targets)

_, probas = model.forward(X_valid)
mse = mse_loss(y_valid, probas)

predicted_labels = np.argmax(probas, axis=1) # to label take the argument corresponding to the maximum probability among the 10 predicted probabilities
acc = accuracy(y_valid, predicted_labels)

print(f'Initial validation MSE: {mse:.1f}')
print(f'Initial validation accuracy: {acc*100:.1f}%')
Initial validation MSE: 0.3
Initial validation accuracy: 9.4%
# Initial validation MSE: 0.3
# Initial validation accuracy: 9.4%

# do these results make sense?
# at any given epoch

def compute_mse_and_acc(nnet, X, y, num_labels=10, minibatch_size=100):
    mse, correct_pred, num_examples = 0., 0, 0
    minibatch_gen = minibatch_generator(X, y, minibatch_size)

    # compute through mini-batches: more memory efficient

    for i, (features, targets) in enumerate(minibatch_gen):

        _, probas = nnet.forward(features)
        predicted_labels = np.argmax(probas, axis=1)

        onehot_targets = int_to_onehot(targets, num_labels=num_labels)
        loss = np.mean((onehot_targets - probas)**2)
        correct_pred += (predicted_labels == targets).sum()

        num_examples += targets.shape[0]
        mse += loss

    mse = mse/(i+1)
    acc = correct_pred/num_examples
    return mse, acc
mse, acc = compute_mse_and_acc(model, X_valid, y_valid)
print(f'Initial valid MSE: {mse:.1f}')
print(f'Initial valid accuracy: {acc*100:.1f}%')
Initial valid MSE: 0.3
Initial valid accuracy: 9.4%
def train(model, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, num_epochs,

    epoch_loss = []
    epoch_train_acc = []
    epoch_valid_acc = []

    for e in range(num_epochs):

        # iterate over minibatches
        minibatch_gen = minibatch_generator(
            X_train, y_train, minibatch_size)

        for X_train_mini, y_train_mini in minibatch_gen:

            #### Compute outputs ####
            a_h, a_out = model.forward(X_train_mini)

            #### Compute gradients ####
            d_loss__d_w_out, d_loss__d_b_out, d_loss__d_w_h, d_loss__d_b_h = \
                model.backward(X_train_mini, a_h, a_out, y_train_mini)

            #### Update weights ####
            model.weight_h -= learning_rate * d_loss__d_w_h
            model.bias_h -= learning_rate * d_loss__d_b_h
            model.weight_out -= learning_rate * d_loss__d_w_out
            model.bias_out -= learning_rate * d_loss__d_b_out

        #### Epoch Logging ####
        train_mse, train_acc = compute_mse_and_acc(model, X_train, y_train)
        valid_mse, valid_acc = compute_mse_and_acc(model, X_valid, y_valid)
        train_acc, valid_acc = train_acc*100, valid_acc*100
        print(f'Epoch: {e+1:03d}/{num_epochs:03d} '
              f'| Train MSE: {train_mse:.4f} '
              f'| Train Acc: {train_acc:.2f}% '
              f'| Valid Acc: {valid_acc:.2f}%')

    return epoch_loss, epoch_train_acc, epoch_valid_acc
np.random.seed(123) # for the training set shuffling


epoch_loss, epoch_train_acc, epoch_valid_acc = train(
    model, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid,
    num_epochs=40, learning_rate=0.1)
Epoch: 001/040 | Train MSE: 0.0134 | Train Acc: 92.42% | Valid Acc: 91.98%
Epoch: 002/040 | Train MSE: 0.0131 | Train Acc: 92.49% | Valid Acc: 92.14%
Epoch: 003/040 | Train MSE: 0.0128 | Train Acc: 92.68% | Valid Acc: 92.38%
Epoch: 004/040 | Train MSE: 0.0125 | Train Acc: 92.92% | Valid Acc: 92.68%
Epoch: 005/040 | Train MSE: 0.0123 | Train Acc: 93.07% | Valid Acc: 92.82%
Epoch: 006/040 | Train MSE: 0.0121 | Train Acc: 93.10% | Valid Acc: 92.88%
Epoch: 007/040 | Train MSE: 0.0119 | Train Acc: 93.28% | Valid Acc: 93.00%
Epoch: 008/040 | Train MSE: 0.0116 | Train Acc: 93.41% | Valid Acc: 93.02%
Epoch: 009/040 | Train MSE: 0.0114 | Train Acc: 93.51% | Valid Acc: 93.30%
Epoch: 010/040 | Train MSE: 0.0112 | Train Acc: 93.56% | Valid Acc: 93.30%
Epoch: 011/040 | Train MSE: 0.0111 | Train Acc: 93.72% | Valid Acc: 93.36%
Epoch: 012/040 | Train MSE: 0.0109 | Train Acc: 93.73% | Valid Acc: 93.52%
Epoch: 013/040 | Train MSE: 0.0108 | Train Acc: 93.81% | Valid Acc: 93.48%
Epoch: 014/040 | Train MSE: 0.0106 | Train Acc: 93.96% | Valid Acc: 93.46%
Epoch: 015/040 | Train MSE: 0.0105 | Train Acc: 94.07% | Valid Acc: 93.70%
Epoch: 016/040 | Train MSE: 0.0104 | Train Acc: 94.11% | Valid Acc: 93.86%
Epoch: 017/040 | Train MSE: 0.0102 | Train Acc: 94.17% | Valid Acc: 93.84%
Epoch: 018/040 | Train MSE: 0.0101 | Train Acc: 94.25% | Valid Acc: 93.84%
Epoch: 019/040 | Train MSE: 0.0100 | Train Acc: 94.37% | Valid Acc: 93.92%
Epoch: 020/040 | Train MSE: 0.0099 | Train Acc: 94.42% | Valid Acc: 93.96%
Epoch: 021/040 | Train MSE: 0.0098 | Train Acc: 94.52% | Valid Acc: 93.96%
Epoch: 022/040 | Train MSE: 0.0096 | Train Acc: 94.58% | Valid Acc: 93.90%
Epoch: 023/040 | Train MSE: 0.0095 | Train Acc: 94.61% | Valid Acc: 93.98%
Epoch: 024/040 | Train MSE: 0.0095 | Train Acc: 94.73% | Valid Acc: 94.12%
Epoch: 025/040 | Train MSE: 0.0094 | Train Acc: 94.71% | Valid Acc: 94.28%
Epoch: 026/040 | Train MSE: 0.0093 | Train Acc: 94.84% | Valid Acc: 94.26%
Epoch: 027/040 | Train MSE: 0.0092 | Train Acc: 94.82% | Valid Acc: 94.26%
Epoch: 028/040 | Train MSE: 0.0091 | Train Acc: 94.93% | Valid Acc: 94.32%
Epoch: 029/040 | Train MSE: 0.0090 | Train Acc: 95.00% | Valid Acc: 94.42%
Epoch: 030/040 | Train MSE: 0.0089 | Train Acc: 95.02% | Valid Acc: 94.22%
Epoch: 031/040 | Train MSE: 0.0088 | Train Acc: 95.12% | Valid Acc: 94.68%
Epoch: 032/040 | Train MSE: 0.0088 | Train Acc: 95.15% | Valid Acc: 94.50%
Epoch: 033/040 | Train MSE: 0.0088 | Train Acc: 95.13% | Valid Acc: 94.64%
Epoch: 034/040 | Train MSE: 0.0086 | Train Acc: 95.26% | Valid Acc: 94.66%
Epoch: 035/040 | Train MSE: 0.0085 | Train Acc: 95.27% | Valid Acc: 94.70%
Epoch: 036/040 | Train MSE: 0.0084 | Train Acc: 95.36% | Valid Acc: 94.88%
Epoch: 037/040 | Train MSE: 0.0084 | Train Acc: 95.36% | Valid Acc: 94.76%
Epoch: 038/040 | Train MSE: 0.0083 | Train Acc: 95.44% | Valid Acc: 94.90%
Epoch: 039/040 | Train MSE: 0.0083 | Train Acc: 95.46% | Valid Acc: 94.96%
Epoch: 040/040 | Train MSE: 0.0082 | Train Acc: 95.47% | Valid Acc: 94.76%

11.4. Evaluating the neural network performance#

plt.plot(range(len(epoch_loss)), epoch_loss)
plt.ylabel('Mean squared error')
plt.plot(range(len(epoch_train_acc)), epoch_train_acc,
plt.plot(range(len(epoch_valid_acc)), epoch_valid_acc,
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
test_mse, test_acc = compute_mse_and_acc(model, X_test, y_test)
print(f'Test accuracy: {test_acc*100:.2f}%')
Test accuracy: 94.39%

11.5. Analysis of failed cases#

X_test_subset = X_test[:1000, :]
y_test_subset = y_test[:1000]

_, probas = model.forward(X_test_subset)
test_pred = np.argmax(probas, axis=1)

misclassified_images = X_test_subset[y_test_subset != test_pred][:25]
misclassified_labels = test_pred[y_test_subset != test_pred][:25]
correct_labels = y_test_subset[y_test_subset != test_pred][:25]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=5,
                       sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(8, 8))
ax = ax.flatten()
for i in range(25):
    img = misclassified_images[i].reshape(28, 28)
    ax[i].imshow(img, cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest')
    ax[i].set_title(f'{i+1}) '
                    f'True: {correct_labels[i]}\n'
                    f' Predicted: {misclassified_labels[i]}')


Some of these may not look challenging, still the network fails. For number 7, for example, we can guess that handwritten digit 7 with a horizontal line is underrepresented in our dataset and gets misclassified.

11.6. Other checks and further analysis#

Check image-level predictions

def plot_rand_digit(X,y):
    tmp_indx = np.random.randint(len(X))
    image_data = np.reshape(X[tmp_indx],(28, 28))
    plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')
    print("label is: ",y[tmp_indx])
    return image_data,X[tmp_indx]

def plot_digit(tmp_indx, X,y):
    image_data = np.reshape(X[tmp_indx],(28, 28))
    plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')
    print("label is: ",y[tmp_indx])
    return image_data,X[tmp_indx]

def plot_image(image_data):
    plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')

def image_2_X(tmp_image):
    return tmp_image.reshape(28*28,)
tmp_image, tmp_imX = plot_rand_digit(X,y)
label is:  6
# Rotate the array by 90 degrees
rotated_image = np.rot90(tmp_image)
rotated_image = np.rot90(rotated_image)
tmp_X = image_2_X(rotated_image)
_, probas = model.forward(tmp_X)

rotated_pred = np.argmax(probas)

print("Predicted label is: ", rotated_pred)
Predicted label is:  7

Visualize in 3D-PCA

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import as px
import as pio

from google.colab import files

# Save the plot as an HTML file

def plot_3d_pca(X, y, target_names=None):
    # Apply PCA with 3 components
    pca = PCA(n_components=3)
    X_pca = pca.fit_transform(X)

    # Combine the PCA results and target labels
    data = np.column_stack((X_pca, y))

    # Create a DataFrame with column names
    columns = ['PC1', 'PC2', 'PC3', 'label']
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
    df['label'] = df['label'].astype(int)

    if target_names is not None:
        df['label_name'] = df['label'].apply(lambda x: target_names[x])
        color_col = 'label_name'
        color_col = 'label'

    # Create the interactive 3D plot
    fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x='PC1', y='PC2', z='PC3', color=color_col, symbol=color_col, text=color_col,
                        labels={'PC1': 'Principal Component 1', 'PC2': 'Principal Component 2', 'PC3': 'Principal Component 3'})

    # Customize the plot appearance
        margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0),
            xaxis_title='Principal Component 1',
            yaxis_title='Principal Component 2',
            zaxis_title='Principal Component 3',

    # Show the plot

    pio.write_html(fig, file="3d_pca_plot.html", auto_open=True)"3d_pca_plot.html")

    return fig
fig = plot_3d_pca(X_test, y_test, ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'])

11.7. Representation of the Weights in the Hidden Layer#

# each row in model.weight_h represents the weights for one neuron
(50, 784)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8.0,6.0)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 10)
# use can global min / max to ensure all weights are shown on the same scale
vmin, vmax = model.weight_h.min(), model.weight_h.max()
max_abs = np.max([np.abs(vmin), np.abs(vmax)])

for coef, ax in zip(model.weight_h, axes.ravel()):  #ravel() flattens the 2D array (5,10) into a 1D array of length 50
    #matshow is used to display a matrix as an image
    im = ax.matshow(coef.reshape(28, 28),, vmin=-1., vmax=1.)

# Add a colorbar to the figure
cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist())

11.8. Coding#

Problem 1: Change the hidden layer activation Function to be a ReLU


  • Forward pass

    # Hidden layer
    z_h =, self.weight_h.T) + self.bias_h
    a_h = np.maximum(0, z_h)  # ReLU activation
  • Backward pass

    d_a_h__d_z_h = a_h * (1 - a_h) is replaced with d_a_h__d_z_h = np.where(a_h > 0, 1, 0).

    This applies the derivative of ReLU, which is 1 when a_h > 0 and 0 when a_h <= 0.


def sigmoid(z):
    return 1. / (1. + np.exp(-z))

def int_to_onehot(y, num_labels):

    ary = np.zeros((y.shape[0], num_labels))  # [n_examples, n_classes]
    for i, val in enumerate(y):
        ary[i, val] = 1

    return ary

class InitializeModel:
    def __init__(self, random_seed=123):
        print("Model initialization")
        self.random_seed = random_seed
        # Set up a common random number generator
        self.rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)
        # Common attribute for all models
        self.operation = "Initialization"

class NeuralNetMLP_ReLU(InitializeModel):

    def __init__(self, num_features, num_hidden, num_classes, random_seed=123):

        self.num_classes = num_classes

        # hidden
        #rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

        self.weight_h = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(num_hidden, num_features))
        self.bias_h = np.zeros(num_hidden)

        # output
        self.weight_out = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(num_classes, num_hidden))
        self.bias_out = np.zeros(num_classes)
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.num_features = num_features
        self.num_hidden = num_hidden

    def _initialize_weights(self):
        """Initialize weights and biases with random values."""
        # Initialize hidden layer weights and biases
        self.weight_h = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(self.num_hidden, self.num_features))
        self.bias_h = np.zeros(self.num_hidden)

        # Initialize output layer weights and biases
        self.weight_out = self.rng.normal(
            loc=0.0, scale=0.1, size=(self.num_classes, self.num_hidden))
        self.bias_out = np.zeros(self.num_classes)

    def reinitialize(self, random_seed=None):
        """Reinitialize the model weights and biases if you need to."""
        if random_seed is not None:
            self.rng = np.random.RandomState(random_seed)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Hidden layer
        # input dim: [n_examples, n_features] dot [n_hidden, n_features].T
        # output dim: [n_examples, n_hidden]
        z_h =, self.weight_h.T) + self.bias_h
        a_h = np.maximum(0, z_h)  # ReLU activation

        # Output layer
        # input dim: [n_examples, n_hidden] dot [n_classes, n_hidden].T
        # output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        z_out =, self.weight_out.T) + self.bias_out
        a_out = sigmoid(z_out)
        return a_h, a_out

    def backward(self, x, a_h, a_out, y):

        ### Output layer weights

        # onehot encoding
        y_onehot = int_to_onehot(y, self.num_classes)

        # For simplicity, the loss function is assumed to be the same we saw in Adaline, that is an MSE
        # Loss = 1/n \sum_{i=1}^{n} 1/t \sum_{j=1}^{t} (y^{i}_{j}-outa^{i}_{j})^2
        # Later on we will look at other loss functions such as multi-category cross-entropy loss

        # Part 1: dLoss/dOutWeights
        ## = dLoss/dOutAct * dOutAct/dOutZ * dOutz/dOutWeight
        ## where DeltaOut = dLoss/dOutAct * dOutAct/dOutZ
        ## for convenient re-use

        # input/output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        d_loss__d_a_out = 2.*(a_out - y_onehot) / y.shape[0]

        # input/output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        d_a_out__d_z_out = a_out * (1. - a_out) # sigmoid derivative (<--- demonstrate)

        # output dim: [n_examples, n_classes]
        delta_out = d_loss__d_a_out * d_a_out__d_z_out # "delta (rule) placeholder"

        # gradient for output weights

        # [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_z_out__dw_out = a_h

        # input dim: [n_classes, n_examples] dot [n_examples, n_hidden]
        # output dim: [n_classes, n_hidden]
        d_loss__dw_out =, d_z_out__dw_out)
        d_loss__db_out = np.sum(delta_out, axis=0) # [n_classes]

        # Part 2: dLoss/dHiddenWeights
        ## = DeltaOut * dOutZ/dHiddenAct * dHiddenAct/dHiddenZ * dHiddenZ/dWeight

        # [n_classes, n_hidden]
        d_z_out__a_h = self.weight_out

        # output dim: [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_loss__a_h =, d_z_out__a_h)

        # [n_examples, n_hidden]
        d_a_h__d_z_h = np.where(a_h > 0, 1, 0)

        # [n_examples, n_features]
        d_z_h__d_w_h = x

        # output dim: [n_hidden, n_features]
        d_loss__d_w_h = * d_a_h__d_z_h).T, d_z_h__d_w_h)
        d_loss__d_b_h = np.sum((d_loss__a_h * d_a_h__d_z_h), axis=0)

        return (d_loss__dw_out, d_loss__db_out,
                d_loss__d_w_h, d_loss__d_b_h)
#******************     THE MODEL   *********************#

model_relu = NeuralNetMLP_ReLU(num_features=28*28,

Model initialization
np.random.seed(123) # for the training set shuffling


epoch_loss, epoch_train_acc, epoch_valid_acc = train(
    model_relu, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid,
    num_epochs=40, learning_rate=0.1)
Epoch: 001/040 | Train MSE: 0.0206 | Train Acc: 88.81% | Valid Acc: 88.84%
Epoch: 002/040 | Train MSE: 0.0163 | Train Acc: 90.78% | Valid Acc: 90.74%
Epoch: 003/040 | Train MSE: 0.0143 | Train Acc: 91.97% | Valid Acc: 91.54%
Epoch: 004/040 | Train MSE: 0.0125 | Train Acc: 92.92% | Valid Acc: 92.72%
Epoch: 005/040 | Train MSE: 0.0117 | Train Acc: 93.40% | Valid Acc: 93.10%
Epoch: 006/040 | Train MSE: 0.0110 | Train Acc: 93.83% | Valid Acc: 93.26%
Epoch: 007/040 | Train MSE: 0.0103 | Train Acc: 94.36% | Valid Acc: 93.94%
Epoch: 008/040 | Train MSE: 0.0098 | Train Acc: 94.52% | Valid Acc: 94.08%
Epoch: 009/040 | Train MSE: 0.0091 | Train Acc: 94.91% | Valid Acc: 94.50%
Epoch: 010/040 | Train MSE: 0.0089 | Train Acc: 95.09% | Valid Acc: 94.74%
Epoch: 011/040 | Train MSE: 0.0085 | Train Acc: 95.40% | Valid Acc: 94.82%
Epoch: 012/040 | Train MSE: 0.0083 | Train Acc: 95.44% | Valid Acc: 94.82%
Epoch: 013/040 | Train MSE: 0.0078 | Train Acc: 95.75% | Valid Acc: 95.16%
Epoch: 014/040 | Train MSE: 0.0079 | Train Acc: 95.81% | Valid Acc: 95.28%
Epoch: 015/040 | Train MSE: 0.0075 | Train Acc: 95.92% | Valid Acc: 95.22%
Epoch: 016/040 | Train MSE: 0.0074 | Train Acc: 96.02% | Valid Acc: 95.30%
Epoch: 017/040 | Train MSE: 0.0070 | Train Acc: 96.21% | Valid Acc: 95.50%
Epoch: 018/040 | Train MSE: 0.0070 | Train Acc: 96.26% | Valid Acc: 95.54%
Epoch: 019/040 | Train MSE: 0.0069 | Train Acc: 96.26% | Valid Acc: 95.24%
Epoch: 020/040 | Train MSE: 0.0069 | Train Acc: 96.39% | Valid Acc: 95.72%
Epoch: 021/040 | Train MSE: 0.0063 | Train Acc: 96.62% | Valid Acc: 95.66%
Epoch: 022/040 | Train MSE: 0.0062 | Train Acc: 96.68% | Valid Acc: 95.80%
Epoch: 023/040 | Train MSE: 0.0061 | Train Acc: 96.80% | Valid Acc: 95.74%
Epoch: 024/040 | Train MSE: 0.0061 | Train Acc: 96.72% | Valid Acc: 95.74%
Epoch: 025/040 | Train MSE: 0.0059 | Train Acc: 96.87% | Valid Acc: 96.08%
Epoch: 026/040 | Train MSE: 0.0060 | Train Acc: 96.87% | Valid Acc: 95.88%
Epoch: 027/040 | Train MSE: 0.0057 | Train Acc: 96.94% | Valid Acc: 96.00%
Epoch: 028/040 | Train MSE: 0.0054 | Train Acc: 97.12% | Valid Acc: 96.14%
Epoch: 029/040 | Train MSE: 0.0054 | Train Acc: 97.06% | Valid Acc: 96.14%
Epoch: 030/040 | Train MSE: 0.0055 | Train Acc: 97.10% | Valid Acc: 96.20%
Epoch: 031/040 | Train MSE: 0.0052 | Train Acc: 97.21% | Valid Acc: 96.10%
Epoch: 032/040 | Train MSE: 0.0053 | Train Acc: 97.13% | Valid Acc: 96.04%
Epoch: 033/040 | Train MSE: 0.0052 | Train Acc: 97.20% | Valid Acc: 96.18%
Epoch: 034/040 | Train MSE: 0.0050 | Train Acc: 97.32% | Valid Acc: 96.26%
Epoch: 035/040 | Train MSE: 0.0050 | Train Acc: 97.33% | Valid Acc: 96.22%
Epoch: 036/040 | Train MSE: 0.0049 | Train Acc: 97.40% | Valid Acc: 96.18%
Epoch: 037/040 | Train MSE: 0.0048 | Train Acc: 97.41% | Valid Acc: 96.38%
Epoch: 038/040 | Train MSE: 0.0048 | Train Acc: 97.47% | Valid Acc: 96.34%
Epoch: 039/040 | Train MSE: 0.0047 | Train Acc: 97.50% | Valid Acc: 96.22%
Epoch: 040/040 | Train MSE: 0.0048 | Train Acc: 97.44% | Valid Acc: 96.30%
test_mse, test_acc = compute_mse_and_acc(model_relu, X_test, y_test)
print(f'Test accuracy: {test_acc*100:.2f}%')
Test accuracy: 96.09%