As you may recall, when doing OLS we are minimizing the sum of squared errors between the model and the data. The idea of minimizing some quantity is common to many model fitting and optimization problems, and the thing we are minimizing is referred as a cost function.
For OLS, the cost function is:
$$\sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2$$where $y_i$ is the observed value of the target for observation $i$, and $\hat{y}_i$ denotes the value predicted by the model. The techniques we will talk about in this notebook are based on modifications to this cost function.
# Generate simulated data
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 10
noise_strength = 1
noise = np.random.normal(scale=noise_strength, size=(n,1))
x = np.random.normal(size=(n,1))
y = 1 + 2*x + noise
# Put simulated x and y into a dataframe
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['x','y'])
df['x'] = x.ravel()
df['y'] = y.ravel()
# assign a value of 0.2 to df.loc[4,'y']
df.loc[4,'y'] = 0.2
# Generating "the" four items
#-- use the visualization trick in class to understand what they are
idx_test = [1,7]
Xtest = df.loc[idx_test,'x']
ytest = df.loc[idx_test,'y']
Xtrain = df.drop(idx_test)['x']
ytrain = df.drop(idx_test)['y']
Xtrain, ytrain
Xtest, ytest
# plot the train and test data with scatterplot
plt.scatter(Xtrain,ytrain, label='Training data', color='k')
plt.scatter(Xtest, ytest, label = 'Test data', color = 'blue')
#plt.title('Our randomly generated data')
# Fit with a normal linear regression model
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression as LR, Ridge, Lasso
Xtrain = np.array(Xtrain).reshape(-1,1)
Xtest = np.array(Xtest).reshape(-1,1)
lin_reg = LR(), ytrain)
# print train and test R^2 values
print(lin_reg.score(Xtrain, ytrain))
print(lin_reg.score(Xtest, ytest))
print(lin_reg.intercept_, lin_reg.coef_)
Ridge regression step!
# Ridge regression
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha = 2), ytrain)
print(rid_reg.score(Xtrain, ytrain))
print(rid_reg.intercept_, rid_reg.coef_)
# Ridge regression with a larger alpha
rid_reg2 = Ridge(alpha = 100), ytrain)
print(rid_reg2.score(Xtrain, ytrain))
print(rid_reg2.intercept_, rid_reg2.coef_)
# Visualize the regular linear regression model and the two Ridge regression models
x_range = [min(x), max(x)]
# three y_ranges, one for each model
y_pred = lin_reg.predict(x_range)
y_ridge = rid_reg.predict(x_range)
y_ridge2 = rid_reg2.predict(x_range)
plt.figure(figsize = (10,6))
# plot Train and test data
plt.scatter(Xtrain.ravel(),ytrain, label='Train data', color='k')
plt.scatter(Xtest.ravel(), ytest, label = 'Test data', color = 'green', s = 100)
# plot the models
plt.plot(x_range, y_pred, label='Linear_regression', color='r')
plt.plot(x_range, y_ridge, label = 'Ridge_alpha_2', color = 'blue', linestyle = '--')
plt.plot(x_range, y_ridge2, label = 'Ridge_alpha_100', color = 'grey', linestyle = '-.')
Lasso regression step!
# Lasso regression
las_reg = Lasso(alpha = 100), ytrain)
print(las_reg.score(Xtrain, ytrain))
#Use pockets data
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression as LR
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split as tts
# be sure to upload the file so that it can be imported
from intro_Data import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Help on function do_Kfold in module intro_Data: do_Kfold(model, X, y, k, scaler=None, random_state=146)
pockets = pd.read_csv('./data/pockets.csv')
brand | style | menWomen | name | fabric | price | maxHeightFront | minHeightFront | rivetHeightFront | maxWidthFront | minWidthFront | maxHeightBack | minHeightBack | maxWidthBack | minWidthBack | cutout | |
0 | Arizona | skinny | women | Fave Super Skinny | 78% cotton, 20% polyester, 2% spandex | 42.0 | 14.5 | 15.0 | 6.5 | 16.5 | 13.0 | 15.0 | 12.2 | 13.7 | 12.0 | False |
1 | Arizona | straight | women | Perfect Boot | 78% cotton, 20% polyester, 2% spandex | 42.0 | 14.5 | 14.0 | 6.5 | 16.0 | 12.5 | 15.5 | 12.2 | 13.0 | 11.2 | False |
2 | Ralph Lauren | skinny | women | Modern Skinny Slimming Fit | 92% cotton, 7% poly, 1% elastane | 89.5 | 13.0 | 13.5 | 6.5 | 14.5 | 12.0 | 15.5 | 13.0 | 13.5 | 12.5 | False |
3 | Ralph Lauren | straight | women | Premier Straight Slimming Fit | 92% cotton, 7% poly, 1% elastane | 89.5 | 13.0 | 13.5 | 6.5 | 14.5 | 12.0 | 14.5 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 12.2 | False |
4 | Uniqlo | skinny | women | Skinny Fit | 87% cotton, 9% polyester, 4% spandex | 39.9 | 13.0 | 13.0 | 5.5 | 14.0 | 11.5 | 14.0 | 12.0 | 14.2 | 11.7 | False |
# Use maxheightfront as the target and the other numeric variables as features
metadata = pockets[['brand','style','menWomen', 'cutout']]
X_df = pockets.drop(columns = list(metadata.columns)
+ ['name', 'fabric', 'maxHeightFront'])
X = np.array(X_df.values)
y = np.array(pockets['maxHeightFront'].values).reshape(-1,1)
#Does this data need to be scaled? Not for OLS, but will need later
sns.stripplot(data = X_df, orient = 'h')
<Axes: >
# use do_Kfold function to get train/test scores
# try without rescaling first
lin_reg = LR()
train_res, test_res = do_Kfold(lin_reg, X,y,10)
# visualize train/test scores by stripplot
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(zip(train_res,test_res), columns = ['Train','Test'])
sns.stripplot(data = df, size = 10, alpha = 0.8, palette = 'BuPu')
plt.axhline(np.mean(test_res), c = 'slategrey', linestyle = '--')
print(np.mean(train_res), np.median(train_res))
print(np.mean(test_res), np.median(test_res))
0.6481278808366254 0.6380743980948804 0.42150969601454563 0.618056921843455
So, we have a slightly overfit model. As we've discussed, this can be caused by a model that is too complex (too many parameters), so one solution might be to reduce the complexity of the model.
This brings us to regularization techniques. The goal of regularization is to reduce the complexity of the model and possibly prevent (or reduce) overfitting.
The first technique we will look at is called Ridge regression. In addition to minimizing the sum of squared errors, Ridge regression also penalizes a model for having more parameters and/or larger parameters. This is accomplished by modifying the cost function:
$$\sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + \alpha \sum_{i=1}^p \beta_i^2 $$The new term in this equation, $\alpha \sum_{i=1}^p \beta_i^2$, is called the regularization term. In words, it just says to square all of the model coefficients, add them together, multiply that sum by some number ($\alpha$) and then add that to the cost function. The result of this is that the model will be simultaneously trying to minimize both the sum of the squared errors as well as the number/magnitude of the model's parameters.
As a reminder, the equation for our model looks like:
$$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p$$and nothing about this has changed - we have only modified the cost function that is going to be minimized.
This modification also adds an additional layer of complexity to the fitting and validation procedures. The number $\alpha$ is referred to as a hyperparameter - which is a number that is not determined during the fitting/training procedure. Different values of $\alpha$ will lead to different results, and we will have to find the optimal value ourselves.
Since there will be a few more steps involved here, it will be useful to think about what we need to do before we start writing code. Carefully planning out your approach and listing out what will need to be done can save you a lot of time in the long run.
Here's what we will need to do:
It's also going to be important to standardize our features for these models, since the relative size of each of the variables will impact the coefficient estimates, which are now built into the cost function. If we do not standardize our data, then some coefficients might end up being minimized simply due to the units they were measured in, rather than their actual predictive power in the model.
Since the testing data is data that is being used to simulate new data that we did not have when training the model, when standardizing, we should compute the mean and standard deviation from only the training data. We will then apply the same transformation to the testing data - but we will not include the testing data when we compute the mean and standard deviation.
In order to determine what value of $\alpha$ gives the best performance, we're just going to scan through a range of values. There is usually going to be some trial and error involved in things like this, and there's no guarantee that we'll start anywhere close to the best answer!
Let's pause to think about our next steps a little more:
We'll make a plot to examine our results and use it to guide our next steps throughout this process. We can plot the $\alpha$ values on the x-axis, and the average training/testing scores on the y-axis.
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SS
# search the best alpha value
a_range = np.linspace(10,20,100)
k = 10
ss = SS()
for a in a_range:
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores = do_Kfold(rid_reg, X, y, k, ss)
#print(a, np.mean(test_scores))
# plot the score-alpha curve
#plt.plot(a_range, avg_tr_score, color='k', label='Training')
plt.plot(a_range, avg_te_score, color='r', label='Testing')
plt.xlabel('$\\alpha$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Avg. $R^2$', fontsize=14)
# Get the optimal hyperparameter alpha and its corresponding scores
idx_max = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Optimal alpha in the range tested: ', a_range[idx_max])
print('Avg. training score at this value: ', avg_tr_score[idx_max])
print('Avg. testing score at this value: ', avg_te_score[idx_max])
Optimal alpha in the range tested: 12.02020202020202 Avg. training score at this value: 0.6344576593800286 Avg. testing score at this value: 0.44258643208744763
After a bit of searching, we've managed to increase the model performance a bit. The training score is still similar to the OLS solution, but we've managed to increase the testing score a bit. It's a small improvement, but an improvement nonetheless!
To reinforce what exactly is going on here, let's take a look at the model coefficients compared to the OLS solution. I'll make a plot showing how the coefficients are changing as we adjust $\alpha$. We will fit both types of models to the full data set - this is what you would do in practice after KFold validation...though we did make one mistake - we should have set aside some data to test that model on!
# fit an OLS model and get coefficients
Xs = ss.fit_transform(X),y)
lin_coefs = lin_reg.coef_[0]
array([-0.35161376, 1.92356316, 1.4028077 , -0.36014987, 1.37946072, 1.66568514, 0.17595748, -0.36056614, -1.21507708])
# fit a Ridge model and get coefficients
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha = a_range[idx_max]), y)
rid_coefs = rid_reg.coef_[0]
array([-0.27768022, 1.72217699, 1.14585851, -0.05468923, 1.04316768, 1.15328581, 0.49688341, -0.36724293, -0.75164045])
# get the side-by-side comparison of coefficients
compare = pd.DataFrame(data=zip(lin_coefs,rid_coefs),index=X_df.columns,
columns = ['OLS','Ridge'])
OLS | Ridge | |
price | -0.351614 | -0.277680 |
minHeightFront | 1.923563 | 1.722177 |
rivetHeightFront | 1.402808 | 1.145859 |
maxWidthFront | -0.360150 | -0.054689 |
minWidthFront | 1.379461 | 1.043168 |
maxHeightBack | 1.665685 | 1.153286 |
minHeightBack | 0.175957 | 0.496883 |
maxWidthBack | -0.360566 | -0.367243 |
minWidthBack | -1.215077 | -0.751640 |
# get coefficients for a range of alpha values
a_range = np.linspace(0,1000,100)
rid_coefs = []
for a in a_range:
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a),y)
# visualize coefficients-alpha relation (one line for each coefficient beta_i)
plt.plot(a_range, rid_coefs, linewidth = 2)
plt.axhline(0, linewidth = 4, c = 'black', linestyle = '--', alpha = 0.5)
plt.scatter([0]*len(lin_coefs), lin_coefs)
plt.xlabel('$\\alpha$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Coefficients', fontsize=14)
plt.legend(X_df.columns, bbox_to_anchor=[1,0.5], loc='center left')
Lasso regression is very similar to Ridge regression, although the results can be quite a bit different! The only difference between the two methods is the regularization term. For Lasso, the cost function is:
$$\sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2 + \alpha \sum_{i=1}^p |\beta_i| $$That is, instead of squaring the coefficients, we are taking their absolute value. Although this might not seem like a big difference, it has a very interesting consequence:
The implementation, however, is identical:
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
# optimal alpha value search
a_range = np.linspace(1e-5,0.2,100)
k = 10
ss = SS()
for a in a_range:
las_reg = Lasso(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores = do_Kfold(las_reg, X, y, k, ss)
# plot score-alpha value curve
#plt.plot(a_range, avg_tr_score, color='k', label='Training')
plt.plot(a_range, avg_te_score, color='r', label='Testing')
plt.xlabel('$\\alpha$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Avg. $R^2$', fontsize=14)
# find the optimal alpha and its corresponding scores
idx_max = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Optimal alpha in the range tested: ', a_range[idx_max])
print('Avg. training score at this value: ', avg_tr_score[idx_max])
print('Avg. testing score at this value: ', avg_te_score[idx_max])
# find the coefficients of the Lasso model with the optimal alpha
las_reg = Lasso(alpha = a_range[idx_max]), y)
las_coefs =las_reg.coef_
# add las_coefs as an additional column to compare
compare['Lasso'] = las_coefs
# Get coefficents of Lasso models for a range of alpha values
a_range = np.linspace(1e-6,10,100)
las_coefs = []
for a in a_range:
las_reg = Lasso(alpha=a),y)
# visualize the coefficients-alpha relation
plt.plot(a_range, las_coefs)
plt.scatter([0]*len(lin_coefs), lin_coefs)
plt.xlabel('$\\alpha$', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Coefficients', fontsize=14)
plt.legend(X_df.columns, bbox_to_anchor=[1,0.5], loc='center left')
# what's the relation between coefficients and correlation?
X_numeric = X_df.copy()
X_numeric['target'] = y